6 Home Care Systems for Successful Agencies

home care owner working on home care software


In this day and age, there’s no need to rely on manual processes to run a home care agency. From managing your employees to tracking your performance and KPIs, digital tools are the key to boosting productivity and optimizing precious resources. 

That’s why technology is woven into major home care trends for 2024. In this piece, we will be spotlighting six key systems that every agency needs to succeed, whether they are beginning, accelerating, or completing their digital transformation.

Why Home Care Systems Matter for Success

Why rely on a horse and buggy when you could be zipping around in a sports car instead? Home care software helps agencies rev up their operational efficiency by automating routine tasks and breaking down communication silos, bucketing all of the necessary systems under one roof.

When tasks are completed faster and with fewer errors, caregivers can do their jobs more effectively, administrators can free up time to focus on higher-level responsibilities, and patients can, in turn, receive better service. Home care software is designed to remove barriers to success, helping agencies create systems and processes that serve their success instead of standing in their way.

1. Caregiver Recruitment System

A recent third-party study commissioned by AxisCare revealed that the most important system on agencies’ radars is recruitment software: 56% of respondents said they want to focus on caregiver recruitment in the future, with an eye towards attracting qualified staff that will be committed for the long haul. 

This step marks the beginning of the home care employee lifecycle, the entirety of which is riddled with challenges: turnover and burnout are common, so agencies need tools to properly assess and filter candidates who will be a good long-term fit for their organization. By avoiding mismatches from the start, they can also increase retention, which brings us to our next challenge.

2. Caregiver Retention System

Retaining caregivers and other specialized staff is a pain point for a number of agencies. From frequent overtime to emotionally taxing work, there is no shortage of factors making it difficult to keep employees on board. The right home care software ecosystem will be designed not only to ensure patients receive excellent service, but also that internal teams are satisfied.

For example, AxisCare’s Caregiver Satisfaction Survey feature systematizes the feedback collection process, ensuring agencies always have their finger on the pulse of employee happiness. Integrations like Caribou weave employee recognition into everyday workflows so staff can continuously feel appreciated and valued beyond their salary and benefits. 

What’s more, features like intuitive scheduling – which considers drive times, distance between visits, and more – and allowing caregivers to define their preferred hours can go a long way towards boosting overall happiness, making staff much more likely to stick around.

3. Client & Caregiver Scheduling Software

Home care software is a game-changer for scheduling efficiency and resource allocation. Algorithms can intelligently match caregivers with clients based on availability, specializations, and personal preferences, all while minimizing the distance traveled between visits. This means the right caregiver will always get paired with the right patient at the right time. 

Open shifts can be assigned as soon as they become available, and caregivers can be permitted to snag open shifts to further reduce the burden placed on administrators. If a caregiver is running behind, office staff can automatically receive an alert, helping them better manage patient expectations.

4. Home Care Marketing System

According to our survey, 30% of respondents said their home care marketing system is the most important system for their business – so if you haven’t looked into one yet, this is your sign to do so. 

Home care marketing software streamlines lead conversion by effectively tracking referral sources, relationships, and network relationships. It enables agencies to keep tabs on their pipelines, maintain accurate and complete records, and communicate seamlessly with contacts, including the ability to attach marketing materials directly to messages. Once a prospect is on board, agencies can even track how much revenue is associated with each referral source.

5. Metrics Tracking System

Every agency is sitting on a goldmine of data – but without business intelligence (BI), all of that gold may as well be a pile of rocks. BI tools transform information into insights by gathering, interpreting, and presenting performance takeaways in a way that facilitates action instead of overwhelming teams with data they don’t need. 

Agencies can define which KPIs they want to track and then use the software’s findings to identify inefficiencies, new growth opportunities, and more. From optimizing travel times between appointments to tracking referral sources and analyzing turnover trends, BI creates clarity among the chaos so your business can thrive.

6. Care Coordination System

It takes a village to care for every patient, and keeping stakeholders on the same page can be tricky. Care coordination systems create a single hub where everyone can access key information, including contracting, referring, and scheduling home-based care. No need to volley questions back and forth via email or sift through old attachments.

Client and family portals provide shared access to calendars, billing information, and more, while mobile apps create an efficient two-way communication channel between caregivers and the office. When stakeholders are able to work together and share information, the quality and continuity of patient care is bound to increase.

Key Takeaways for Agency Decision-Making

Manual processes are the ultimate time suck when it comes to home care. Operational friction doesn’t just cost agencies money – it also costs time, resources, and, at worst, patients’ trust. These days, specialized software like AxisCare are designed to help streamline every corner of your business, helping you build sustainable systems that make the most of the resources available to you.

We offer tailored solutions by agency size that can scale alongside you so you can set yourself up for success not only today but well into the future. Ready to learn more? Request a live demo to explore how these systems can directly impact your agency’s growth and performance. 

office table with papers, laptops, and collaborators

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