axiscare home care software

Security at AxisCare

At AxisCare, safeguarding your data and ensuring robust protection against ransomware is at the core of our commitment to you. 

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Security Overview

We understand the importance of trust in choosing a home care software, and we’re here to demonstrate our dedication to your data security. Here’s how we ensure your data is in good hands: 

Data Encryption

We follow industry-leading best practices by encrypting your data both in transit and at rest. Your information is safe and secure with us.

Safeguarding Your Data

To safeguard your data, we restrict access to sensitive resources. We enforce multifactor authentication and ensure our staff undergo mandatory security training to maintain the highest security standards.

Cloud Security

AxisCare hosts its application on the world’s leading cloud provider. We utilize a comprehensive set of security tools, detection capabilities, and intrusion prevention resources to ensure the security and reliability of our cloud environment.

Geographic Redundancy

Our application boasts data center failover capabilities across multiple geographic regions. This ensures rapid response to any degradation events related to our cloud provider, minimizing disruption.

Continuous Uptime Monitoring

We continuously monitor our system’s uptime. In the rare event of a service degradation, we are immediately alerted, allowing us to address issues swiftly.

Robust Backups

Our robust backup capabilities enable us to restore your data to both point-in-time snapshots and daily snapshots. Your data’s integrity is our priority.

Ransomware Protection

While we don’t disclose our specific measures online, we are well-prepared to defend against ransomware scenarios. We’re more than happy to discuss our security measures in detail with interested parties.

We’re Here to Guide You

Our Team of Experts is Ready to Support You During Onboarding

AxisCare has a dedicated team of experts who are here and ready to assist you every step of the way during your onboarding process.

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Cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Onboarding Journey step by step processes

Don’t settle for average software onboarding. Experience the AxisCare difference.

cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Medicaid Billing Process with step by step processes