axiscare home care software
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Simplify Your Agency's Invoicing With Our Home Care Billing Software

Get Paid Fast​

Home care billing is the ultimate balancing act. Agencies typically have to juggle multiple payer sources, each one with its own set of rules and standards. They may send out hundreds or even thousands of invoices every month, which requires exceptional speed and coordination.

AxisCare makes home health care billing simple, fast, and accurate, giving you more time to focus on providing the best care possible to your clients. We have in-house solutions for most third-party billers such as Veterans Affairs, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicaid, and more.

home care billing

Hassle-Free Billing for You and Your Clients

Key Benefits of Our Home Care Billing Software

Home care agency billing software is specifically designed for agencies just like yours. Boost your operational efficiency by automating every step of your billing cycle – from invoicing to processing – while maintaining airtight compliance.

  • One-Click Processing: Significantly reduce time spent sending invoices with one-click processing.
  • User-Friendly Payment Portal: Clients and their families can view invoices, make payments, and securely store ACH and credit card information.
  • Next-day funding: Receive funds the next day for most merchants, keeping your agency cash-flow healthy and saving you time tracking down open invoices.
  • QuickBooks Integrated: Client appointments sync directly with QuickBooks, alleviating the need for double entry and reducing billing errors for private pay billing.
  • Robust Reporting: Use built-in or custom reports to manage open invoices, view billing data for specific groups of clients, track mileage and expenses, and more.
  • Custom Billing Support: Create pay and bill rate adjustments for different clients, services, authorizations, and more.
axiscare features billing private pay
axiscare features third party billing

Remain Cash Flow Healthy

Third-Party Billing

AxisCare makes it easier to bill payers like Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and long-term care insurance directly: simply upload your documents and send invoices with the click of a button. Our billing features ensure your agency remains cash flow healthy, getting you paid for services rendered quickly and without pushback.

  • Medicaid: Process claims faster, automatically track remittances, and learn the ropes with our dedicated Medicaid onboarding team.
  • Veterans Affairs: Receive advanced funding through our preferred partners and eliminate unpaid claims with built-in claim reconciliation.
  • Long Term Care Insurance: Fax claims and care notes directly from your AxisCare portal, and split bills between multiple payers if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Making the Switch has Never Been Easier

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Fill Out the Demo Request Form

Ready to transform your business? It all starts here. Fill out this short request form, and one of our dedicated team members will be in touch. We understand your time is valuable, and we're committed to making this process as convenient as possible.


Get a Free Demo

Experience the power of our home care software solution firsthand. Once you've submitted your request, we'll schedule a personalized, no-obligation demo just for you. Our experts will walk you through the features and benefits that can revolutionize your business. It's a chance to see the future of your success.


Scale Your Business

After the demo, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and insights to make an informed decision. Start implementing our solution and watch your business flourish. With our support and your ambition, the sky's the limit.

Cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Onboarding Journey step by step processes

Don’t settle for average software onboarding. Experience the AxisCare difference.

cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Medicaid Billing Process with step by step processes