axiscare home care software

Reduce Caregiver Turnover

Webinar Outcomes:

  • Strategies to reduce caregiver turnover
  • Why Earned Wage Access is essential for every home care agency
  • The advantages of receiving pay on-demand
  • Tracking employee retention
  • Methods to boost your number of new hires

00:00:00.670 –> 00:00:21.630
Courtney McCormick: Alrighty once again. Welcome. We are excited to be here today to talk to you guys about improving your recruitment, your retention, and, most importantly, your profitability. How that all ties together today? We can go to the next slide, Shawn. I am here with Shawn Shawn. Once you go ahead and introduce yourself.

00:00:22.060 –> 00:00:35.089
Sean Dougherty: Yeah, thanks, Courtney. Hello, everyone. My name is Sean Doherty. I’m the senior director of our business development team here at tap check. And I am thrilled to be here today and look forward to walking, you guys through some great content.

00:00:35.780 –> 00:00:58.199
Courtney McCormick: Yeah, thanks so much for being here, Sean. I’m Cortney Mccormick. I’m the director of integrated partnerships at Axis care. So I get to work with our great partners like Shawn at Tapcheck and today, we’re gonna be going through lots of great information. So first we’re gonna hear from Sean about tap, check about earned wage access about caregiver retention and recruitment, and how we can really

00:00:58.210 –> 00:01:08.939
Courtney McCormick: improve that and then we’re also gonna be hearing some other strategies here at the end. Just a quick agenda. Just lots of different things. You guys have submitted a lot of great questions.

00:01:08.940 –> 00:01:32.319
Courtney McCormick: So we’re also gonna be going over a live QA. Here at the end. So stick around for that. There is a QA box here at the bottom. So we’re gonna be using QA. As opposed to the chat feature here on Zoom. So make sure you’re putting those questions into the QA. As we go. And we’re gonna get to all those questions as we have time at the end. We are recording this, and we will send out the recording

00:01:32.320 –> 00:01:50.379
Courtney McCormick: later today to everyone who registered for the webinar. So without further ado, let’s just jump right in Shawn. Let’s start talking about what we can do to recruit. Better to retain our caregivers to increase caregiver, employee satisfaction. What do you have for Sean?

00:01:51.090 –> 00:02:14.640
Sean Dougherty: Perfect? Thank you so much, Courtney. Yeah. So I have been with tap check for 3 years now. And one of the favorite parts of my role here is just seeing the overall impact that our own wage access or on demand. Pay solution has had in the caregiver industry as a whole. We’ve heard just countless stories over and over about how

00:02:14.700 –> 00:02:38.640
Sean Dougherty: leveraging this free, integrated solution is helping our caregiver or home health care clients really help improve their overall business performance, and the main drivers of that is providing employees a great wellness tool where they can essentially gain access to a portion of their wages prior to payday to help kind of bridge that gap in between

00:02:38.700 –> 00:02:48.820
Sean Dougherty: pay cycles, ultimately leading to more interest in open positions, so helping to fill open roles, retain longer, reduce absenteeism.

00:02:48.820 –> 00:03:12.359
Sean Dougherty: and just give employees that piece of mind knowing that if something happens, I have access to a portion of my wages could be as something, as you know, being out in the field trying to take care of a patient, and caregiver runs out of gas, and the you know, owner operators coming in to help in the field. I’ve heard that story many, many times, or just the day to day stress of feeling like I can’t make it to payday, right? So

00:03:12.360 –> 00:03:26.739
Sean Dougherty: helping to give employees access to some of those wages, alleviating that stress, improving mental health and allowing them to stay focused on their job right? So ultimately, this product is helping to increase overall employee satisfaction and loyalty to the organization.

00:03:26.740 –> 00:03:38.960
Sean Dougherty: And we’ve got so many great tools that help promote financial wellness. So you know, you can see some challenges here, I mean, I think in this, you know, even free Covid. There was a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck, but in this kind of

00:03:38.960 –> 00:04:03.889
Sean Dougherty: post covid world with extremely high inflation. You’ve never had more people living paycheck to paycheck and really struggling financially. Even a lot of people having difficulties covering a a basic $400 emergency whenever disaster strikes right? And ultimately, that leads to employees seeking work elsewhere, right? Maybe picking up gig economy jobs, looking for higher paying jobs. And it’s it’s created a lot of stress both for the employees as well as as

00:04:03.890 –> 00:04:18.909
Sean Dougherty: the the home care industry as a whole. You know, hoping to leverage this great solution to help, you know. Address a lot of these challenges, and, you know, put yourself in the employee shoes right? They they find themselves in a financial pinch. What do they do? Right? We all know payday lenders have

00:04:18.910 –> 00:04:25.770
Sean Dougherty: criminally high interest rates, and they’re certainly predatory. They they do not benefit the the employee in the short or long term

00:04:25.770 –> 00:04:49.900
Sean Dougherty: even. You know, Banks like, if Jason’s far any time you’re over drafting. You’re checking your savings account. Those non sufficient fund fees. Just add up very, very quickly. And really, at the end of the day, I mean, most companies just simply don’t offer an advanced policy for employees. It can be viewed obviously as an administrative burden, because there’s manual work tracking the advances for employees. We’ve heard plenty of stories from our our customers as well that

00:04:49.900 –> 00:05:14.830
Sean Dougherty: employees oftentimes even feel embarrassed to ask for a loan prior to payday. Right? So this this great product alleviates the the manual work for the employer as well at the employees. Level just gives them that freedom of flexibility to access. You know wages whenever they can. And so this products really being used as you know, a great part of an organization’s benefits package, right? So obviously, you’ve got your traditional benefits and some retirement planning insurance.

00:05:14.830 –> 00:05:35.410
Sean Dougherty: You know, offering, you know, same day. Pay is really aligning with the wants and needs of the the caregiver space helping to alleviate that financial stress and just providing them great resources. Right? So a lot of our quantity, maybe maybe you can provide, you know, some of some

00:05:35.410 –> 00:05:54.410
Courtney McCormick: absolutely, Shawn. I’m really interested in knowing who we have here with us and how many of our participants our viewers here with this today are already using or have used and earned wage access platform a same day pay platform. So we have this poll here on the screen.

00:05:54.410 –> 00:05:56.799
Courtney McCormick: If you guys watching could. Just

00:05:56.820 –> 00:06:16.010
Courtney McCormick: you know, grab your mouse and click, are you currently using a same day pay platform for your employees? So this is a way as Shawn mentioned, this is a benefit that they have helps. The recruitment helps with retention. Shawn’s gonna dive into that. Further, we wanna know, are you already using something like this for recruitment and retention?

00:06:16.340 –> 00:06:22.309
Courtney McCormick: Was it benefit? Click, a. Yes, if you are click, no, if you are not currently using something like this.

00:06:23.050 –> 00:06:47.219
Sean Dougherty: And Shawn, just you can keep going here as people fill out. Oh, perfect. Let me just x this out on my end. Second, yeah. And just to elaborate on that that survey data, II found it really fascinating since I’ve been here for for many years. Now, like when I first joined. And we’re positioning this to, you know, the home care industry as a whole, I mean, obviously, we got a lot of people interested. But there are certainly group people that

00:06:47.280 –> 00:07:12.200
Sean Dougherty: felt, maybe this wasn’t something that was gonna work for their organization at the time or really benefit their employees. Then, as awareness has spread, and I think, so many employees that had such such benefit from having access to this, it’s really become more of like a need than a want and we just see that trend translating over and over again, which is, I thought, really interesting. So perfect transition. To dive a little bit deeper into

00:07:12.200 –> 00:07:35.989
Sean Dougherty: is just what exactly is on wage access or or simply known as on demand pay. So it’s a free and fully integrated solution that allows employees gain access to up to $200 of their net wages every single day. So looking into access, care to verify completed shift data on a daily basis

00:07:36.030 –> 00:07:41.760
Sean Dougherty: taking that information with payroll, Api feeds into all the systems. So there’s no manual work

00:07:41.760 –> 00:08:06.560
Sean Dougherty: and doing all the gross connect calculations every day, so factoring in taxes, garnishments, deductions, wages, etc. So it’s down to the send accurate every single day, and as employees accumulate more and more shifts and wages through an active pay cycle, the number that they have to withdraw continues to increase. So if they don’t use it in the pay cycle business as usual. Right? They just get paid their normal paycheck. If they do use it, it would be funded by tap check on the spot.

00:08:06.560 –> 00:08:20.459
Sean Dougherty: They would have wages in their account immediately, and when you go to process payroll that we just simply get transferred back to tap check dollar for dollar. So very, very simple and easy, and just gives those employees accesses wages when they need them, and you can see here.

00:08:20.560 –> 00:08:45.320
Sean Dougherty: It is good for business. I mean, we have. We’ve done so many internal surveys with our thousands of clients, and have found that by offering this they’re seeing. You can see huge reductions in absenteeism cost about 50% in hiring and turnover costs. And I love that stat increase in applicants to online job ads. So if you put something as simple as same day pay available here as a benefit

00:08:45.320 –> 00:09:10.009
Sean Dougherty: on your job requisitions, it’s driving a ton of additional traffic to help fill those roles quickly, because I know talking to so many owner operators in in the homecare space that that is an ongoing challenge. And it’s certainly one of the highest turnover industries. So, and they’re looking to do anything they can to help fill those roles and keep employees happy. Right. So just to kind of overview of how this can benefit. And I’ve already talked about a few of these things. I’m probably just gonna breeze through this just like

00:09:10.010 –> 00:09:17.889
Sean Dougherty: empowerment, right? Just giving employees what they want. Right? Think equity and fairness. Oftentimes, you know, in in this world you’ve got people at all

00:09:18.000 –> 00:09:36.899
Sean Dougherty: scales of the of the pay grade, right and you know, providing them resources not so necessarily gonna increase their pay, but it can certainly increase the the frequency of how they get paid so they can stay current on their bills. Just giving them that that, you know, kind of belonging giving, you know, employers that are offering employees great benefit packages. They feel.

00:09:36.900 –> 00:10:00.189
Sean Dougherty: you know, more dedicated to them, right, more more committed in the long term which is just really driving great behavior and and you know, overall satisfaction. And then I’ll just briefly talk about this, because I think it’s an important slide. We do get some concerns sometimes of employers saying, Hey, like, I don’t know how employees are gonna use this. Maybe they’re gonna take out their money, and they’re gonna not show up for shifts, and do whatever with their life and

00:10:00.210 –> 00:10:24.579
Sean Dougherty: a valid concern, no doubt. But we have found again, through so much survey data that that the opposite is true. We can’t control spending. You can see that 12% of people say they use it for leisure. But the other 88% are using exactly how we envision right covering emergency expenses, simply paying bills on time, putting food on the table. Right? So it’s really really great to to being seen that over, you know, 90% of the trials are just covering practical needs.

00:10:25.020 –> 00:10:52.579
Sean Dougherty: And we we also have a built in learning management solution. So it’s an it’s an Lms platform that’s right into the app or web browser that has amazing, you know, concise but powerful videos and articles about, you know, budgeting savings, improving your credit score whatever. You know, financial education literacy. Maybe there’s some gaps which is quite common, and the users of that platform are telling us that they’re seeing you can see big savings or big increases in their savings over a year period.

00:10:52.580 –> 00:11:10.730
Sean Dougherty: you know, increases like in in them, feeling on track with their financial goals, paying off their credit cards in full monthly and helping them to build emergency savings, so getting them to think a little bit more big picture rather than just like that day to day functionality. A huge point to pause on here, Shawn, because.

00:11:10.730 –> 00:11:23.709
Courtney McCormick: you know one of the big obstacles that when I talk to my customers at access care, the access care customers, they say, No, no, I don’t want them pulling out their money early from their paycheck. How will that help? Won’t they just have a 0 paycheck?

00:11:23.710 –> 00:11:50.339
Courtney McCormick: And there’s so much financial wellness, education within tap check. And what we’re seeing is that it actually does the opposite. And you can look at these stats here from actual data, a 55% increase in savings over a 12 month period is incredible. That’s incredible. So it kind of goes against that like knee-jerk reaction of what you think might be logic of like. Well, they’re just gonna use it unwisely. Just spend their paycheck early.

00:11:50.340 –> 00:12:09.069
Courtney McCormick: when, in fact, what it’s teaching, you know, our caregivers and our employees to do is how to budget, how to spend well, how to actually manage their money, and then they have a fail safe there. If they are out of gas, or and to get to a shift or emergencies come up that sort of thing.

00:12:09.550 –> 00:12:34.479
Sean Dougherty: That’s great great insight, Courtney. And for anyone on this webinar thinking, or maybe have concerns. That pulling out a couple of $100 a day is is potentially too much. You have full control over the daily withdrawal limits as well as the net percentage it’s available to employees. So there’s really no scenario where they could have a a 0 balance. Come pay day, and we can reduce those numbers to whatever anyone’s comfortable with. But I to Courtney’s point, I think this is the the data speaks for itself, and it’s

00:12:34.480 –> 00:12:39.849
it’s just great to be able to provide a great wellness platform that expands beyond just the on demand pay offering.

00:12:39.960 –> 00:13:08.460
Sean Dougherty: So going back to you know, attracting and retaining talent so obviously is a big topic for all organizations right now. But again, we’re seeing great data coming in. That employees are telling us. And we have, you know, hundreds of thousands of employees using us on a regular basis. Now, that that you can see these numbers, I mean. The vast majority would say that either work longer for or switch to a company that offers top check services. So it’s resonating with the workforce. They they may not use this

00:13:08.460 –> 00:13:22.900
Sean Dougherty: every week or every month, but they want that option. It’s just. I always say they sleep better at night, knowing that like if something happens right, whether my dog gets sick and I get an unexpected vet bill or my car breaks down, or whatever it may be, they just know that’s available to them, and it makes them feel better.

00:13:23.870 –> 00:13:25.169
Sean Dougherty: Excuse me.

00:13:25.420 –> 00:13:51.559
Sean Dougherty: So just a quick kind of differentiator what really sets aside tap check from you know, kind of the industry is just our precision, right? It’s our ability to connect and speak to such a great solution like access, care, as well as all major payroll providers with those api integrations that literally provides down to the sent accuracy on on balance availability. Right? So because we’re pulling that data

00:13:51.560 –> 00:14:15.380
Sean Dougherty: every single day, and we’re looking into payroll throughout the pay cycle. There’s never any option for overdraft, because of the way that we’ve we’ve we set up these safeguards and balance availability is important because the employee does pay a small fee if they utilize this solution. But you know, if they only have $50 available, and they’re taking that out multiple days in a row. They’re gonna be paying fees multiple days in a row where, if you have

00:14:15.380 –> 00:14:37.759
Sean Dougherty: the highest withdrawal limits and the highest balance availability. They may only use this once per pay cycle. So it’s eliminating fees, so they have the most available, and when they need to use it it’s there, and they don’t have to use it every day, and it is available once launch. So when we when we wrap up implementation, we tell you we’re ready for our kickoff call. It’s available immediately for all employees as well as anyone that could be their first day on the job, and they can sign up for it

00:14:37.760 –> 00:14:48.440
on the app or the web browser even during the onboarding process, which is really really great. And I think industry wide. And why I think these numbers are important, for as it relates to participation.

00:14:48.440 –> 00:15:02.759
Sean Dougherty: we’re seeing industry about 10 to 15% where we’re averaging 25 plus participation. So essentially, one in 4 employees are using this on a regular basis. And again, why is that important. The more people you have utilizing it the more they’re telling their peers

00:15:02.760 –> 00:15:28.409
Sean Dougherty: how much of an impact this has had for them. Right? And ultimately, it’s gonna help address a lot of the challenges we’re hoping to fix right with the app, you know, reductions and absenteeism. And you know, difficulties with recruitment and turnover and whatnot. So I think those numbers are really big for themselves. So I know this kind of busy slides. I’m just gonna go through really quick. But just to recap from a product perspective, right? It’s our own proprietary algorithms and really store integrations into to access care and and payroll.

00:15:28.410 –> 00:15:44.089
Sean Dougherty: It’s all completed shift data. So there’s no really room for error completely precise funded by us. So there’s no impact to to cash flow. And it’s a simple payroll based recovery that flows through that Api. So deductions flow into payroll. You don’t have to do anything manual, touch anything. It’s completely hands off.

00:15:44.090 –> 00:16:04.729
Sean Dougherty: and we do offer a pay card, but it’s compatible with all pay cards. It’s completely agnostic for all bank accounts. So for employers cost you nothing fully integrated across the board. No impact cash flow. We have even like disbursements, for, like off cycle pavements available, everyone has a dedicated customer support team as well, so it’s very like, you know, hands on cheek service operation

00:16:04.730 –> 00:16:22.700
Sean Dougherty: for employees. There’s no credit check. They can use it. 24, 7,365 for the instant transfer option takes like one to 2 min to get signed up. Really, really simple and straightforward. They’re using our pay card. They can do free ATM withdrawals nationwide through the money pass network. And I’ll get into costs and everything here in just a minute.

00:16:22.940 –> 00:16:37.890
Sean Dougherty: So you know, if you guys interested in getting signed up? It’s it’s really straightforward. It’s we can do it, you know, customize software demonstration for anyone. And how happy to accommodate that. But you know the All all in time. Commitment is about an hour, 30 min. Welcome call just to

00:16:37.890 –> 00:16:57.710
Sean Dougherty: get the, you know access care and payroll, you know, Api keys, data integration. Get you out tools to get this rolled out. So like, you know, break room posters, any type of marketing materials. You need to spread. Awareness doesn’t make any changes to the payroll process, and when we’re ready to go live it’s about a 30 min Kickoff call, and it’s ready right then. So very, very simple, to get this rolled out

00:16:57.920 –> 00:17:26.810
Sean Dougherty: from an employees perspective when they want to get registered. Most people just download the app. Some people use a web browser, but they set up their pay, pro payroll profile, which is putting in their legal name social data, birth, and address. Once they put that in on Step 3 right here the employer name will automatically populate, and then they can link the direct deposit they already have in file. They can link any bank account where they want these funds to go, and they can link a pay card if they are to use that, or they can sign up for our tap. Check, master Card on the spot again. Takes 30 s for this whole process. They’ll have the

00:17:26.810 –> 00:17:45.819
Sean Dougherty: digital wallet portion available on their smartphone immediately, and a physical card in the mail in 5, 7 days. And then, when they want to make a transfer, you can see in this example, Eric has $200 available based on completed shift data. He just wants to take out a hundred bucks of that. So it’s gonna show that real time, instant transfer or next business day. He’s gonna pick real time.

00:17:45.910 –> 00:17:53.970
Sean Dougherty: Gonna show him the fee he’s gonna pay. What’s gonna go live in his account, and when he hits, you know, confirm and transfer that will we live in his account within seconds.

00:17:54.890 –> 00:18:05.869
Sean Dougherty: These are the transfer speeds and the costs associated with them. Again, this is free for the business. The employees pay these fees so instant as, as mentioned, 24, 7, 3, 65,

00:18:05.870 –> 00:18:26.509
Sean Dougherty: they pay $4 and 95 cents for up to $200 of their net pay next business day, $3 and 50 cents. We do have a free next business day. Transfer option to the employee if they’re using our tap check mastercard. So in theory this could be free across the board. The mastercard doesn’t cost them anything. There’s no fees associated with that. We can just generate our revenue off the vendor transaction fees.

00:18:26.520 –> 00:18:55.219
Sean Dougherty: And then I already kind of mentioned this all breeze through but just service and support. I mean, it’s very boutique operation we have service people nationwide. We’re headquartered out in the Dallas area. But very hands on dedicated support. Employees can even call or email us, we can help them with basic troubleshooting issues or anything like that. So just don’t wanna be a burden to one of our clients. Wanna make sure that we have all that covered. So that is a General Overy Courtney. Before I hand it off to to you, any any any additional thoughts or or comments?

00:18:55.340 –> 00:19:08.479
Courtney McCormick: Yeah. So basically like, what I’m hearing is you’re speaking that I’m hoping our our guests, our viewers or participants here are also picking up on is, you are touching on lots of recruitment

00:19:08.480 –> 00:19:33.450
Courtney McCormick: strategies and lots of retention strategies. So, Shawn, you’re kind of speaking about the the details, the specifics. And we’re looking at a lot of data here. Right? So we were kind of in the micro and the actual facts of how this plays out, how it’s working. But I don’t want our viewers to miss. This is one of the main ways. One of the main things I’m seeing in the industry

00:19:33.450 –> 00:19:58.360
Courtney McCormick: having an earned way to access availability to your employees is the attraction point that you can put in your ads as a benefit that you offer, and I’ll talk about that a little bit here in a second. As I go into some more things as well. But yeah, just all throughout here, Shawn, you are just hitting on those recruitment and retention, and also employee satisfaction all across the board.

00:19:58.470 –> 00:19:59.870
Courtney McCormick: So

00:20:00.180 –> 00:20:25.970
Courtney McCormick: when we go over here, Sean. And and you know, I’m gonna look at some more things here. One thing we wanna think about is tracking our caregiver turnover. Right? So when we’re thinking about caregiver turnover we’re thinking about, we want to track our caregiver turnover. So in just a second, I’m gonna touch back on what are some more creative ideas about keeping it and retaining them.

00:20:26.040 –> 00:20:54.329
Courtney McCormick: But before we can start retaining them. We have to know. Where are we? Where? Where am I? Where am I at? With my caregiver turnover, and where to start? So I have 5 things here that you’re gonna wanna be tracking the first thing is, your hired dates. So use your management software like access care to record accurate higher dates. Okay? So I know, you know, I don’t know if everyone here is already with access care, we might have some viewers that are on other management platforms.

00:20:54.330 –> 00:21:17.620
Courtney McCormick: Whatever you are using, you need to. You know, access care automatically will create these higher dates when you convert them to a caregiver. And we have all this automation happening. But that is really, really crucial. So you can actually be tracking. You know how many people you hired every month, how many left every month, and what your turnover actually looks like accurately to see how your business is doing.

00:21:17.780 –> 00:21:28.810
Courtney McCormick: Then what is the termination dates? So you guys know we use the word termination date to mean any time a caregiver leaves your agency. Now you want to track

00:21:28.850 –> 00:21:46.980
Courtney McCormick: accurately. When your caregivers leave your agency. You don’t want to just mark every caregiver, inactive, inactive, inactive as their status. When they leave your agency, you want to actually put a date when they no longer are working for you. Now, if they come back and work for you again, we can take that field out.

00:21:46.980 –> 00:22:05.250
Courtney McCormick: But if you just mark them inactive. That is a a feel where they’re still gonna be looking like they work for you. They’re just inactive right now. So they’re not getting shifts on the schedule. You’re not gonna have great data. If you’re never using this termination dates, you’re just constantly marking people as inactive. Please drop questions in the QA. If you have questions about that.

00:22:05.450 –> 00:22:28.510
Courtney McCormick: Another thing that we have to start tracking is caregiver surveys. Okay, this is built in a version of this is built in inside of access care dropped recently. So the kind of caregiver survey that access care has now enabled it’s a new feature is after your caregiver completes a shift, they fill out a survey, saying, Hey, how did that visit go?

00:22:28.630 –> 00:22:55.569
Courtney McCormick: Scale one to 5. What were the issues? How was your visit. So this isn’t a full, complete survey. We have integrations with other platforms that can do a full, complete caregiver survey. But this is tracking. Are are they happy? With their shifts that’s inside access care? And then maybe thinking about more robust platforms that can track. Hey? Are they happy with us with our agency, and how can we improve?

00:22:55.670 –> 00:23:00.080
Courtney McCormick: We wanna look at moving on to the 12 month rolling turnover?

00:23:00.330 –> 00:23:20.999
Courtney McCormick: Sorry, Shauna said, moving on. The 12 month rolling turno turnover. So you guys wanna look at basically your turnover over time. Okay, just quick. There, you’re not wanting to look at one month at a time, one week at a time we’re we wanna zoom out to look at your turnover. You can start to develop trends and see trends.

00:23:21.160 –> 00:23:46.930
Courtney McCormick: And another thing, you’re gonna wanna track is the average length of employment. Okay? So we’re looking at how long our caregivers staying with your agency, and that is tracking that retention right? So we’re looking at. If you look at all these things here, we’re looking at hiring. We’re looking at Turnover. We’re looking at retention. We’re looking at satisfaction. And that accurate data tracking is key. Okay, Shaun.

00:23:47.590 –> 00:23:49.330
Courtney McCormick: and go to the next slide. So

00:23:49.410 –> 00:24:04.449
Courtney McCormick: here are some creative benefits you can offer as an employee employer. So you know, when I talk to lots and lots of homecare agency owners and Ceos and leaders all day every day in this role.

00:24:04.710 –> 00:24:21.240
Courtney McCormick: most of you guys, 99% of you guys are not. O offering that full benefit. 401 K full healthcare medical dental. That you know we see in more full time positions. So what can you offer? What can you do?

00:24:21.350 –> 00:24:45.340
Courtney McCormick: So obviously earned wage access? We’ve seen the stats. We’ve seen the data. I think, Shawn said. 79% of caregivers are willing to switch to a different agency. Who does offer same day pay earned wage access. That’s huge. Put this in your ad. What are our benefits earned? Wage access you might want to put same day pay in there. That’s easier to kind of digest

00:24:45.610 –> 00:25:13.510
Courtney McCormick: another creative benefit is a success ladder. So create a success ladder, create a way that a caregiver, a nurse, how, whatever your setup is has room for promotions. So you have a stair step in place. You have a clear policy and outline of how this person is gonna get promotions and improve their career right? They don’t wanna sit and stay stagnant.

00:25:13.510 –> 00:25:26.700
Courtney McCormick: I recently just watched something. I believe it was on Linkedin of. I don’t know if it was a millennial or Gen. Z. Executive saying you should not stay in a job longer than 2 years if you’re not getting a substantial promotion.

00:25:27.350 –> 00:25:40.969
Courtney McCormick: Okay? Times are changing. This is not the time the same times of, you know, staying the same job for 40 years, and just put your head down and work. People want promotion. So develop a way that you can give promotions for a job well done.

00:25:41.100 –> 00:26:00.430
Courtney McCormick: Education based raises. Okay, so this is, offer caregiver training certifications and say, dementia care or various different things that your agency might offer. And then you can offer raises to the caregiver based on the education and the educational courses that they complete

00:26:00.460 –> 00:26:29.509
Courtney McCormick: and then another idea would be automated. Caregiver rewards. So you know, access care is getting going with a new integration. Actually, with a caregiver rewards program where it’s all automated. This really helps with recruitment cause they get rewarded for recruiting their friends to work for you. But it’s a a way to kind of gamify clocking in and out on time and doing all the different metrics that you want your employees to do

00:26:29.510 –> 00:26:39.250
Courtney McCormick: completing all of their training these sorts of things. And when you automate these caregiver rewards. They can cash in these reward points for various

00:26:39.290 –> 00:26:43.750
prices. Whether it’s an Amazon gift card or maybe even a trip, it can be big or little

00:26:44.210 –> 00:27:01.469
Courtney McCormick: so how to get started. So will you? Obviously, Shawn walked us through how to set up tap, check. It really is so simple. It’s that 30 min discovery call on 30 min of setup. Discover your Kpis using access care, business intelligence. I’ll show you that

00:27:01.610 –> 00:27:21.829
Courtney McCormick: I think most of you guys use access care that are on here. If you don’t find a way to pull and graph and chart and analyze your Kpis in your system, whatever that might be. If you’re not you yet using business intelligence, and you’re on access care we’ll show you how you can start using that here in just a minute.

00:27:21.830 –> 00:27:43.929
Courtney McCormick: And then we’re also gonna set goals using business intelligence. We’re gonna set goals for 2024. Okay? So you don’t just wanna say, man, I hope my my recruitment and my retention gets better. You wanna get into the nitty gritty. No, what what did I do in 2023? What were each? What was each quarter like? What were my numbers

00:27:43.930 –> 00:28:07.950
Courtney McCormick: for turnover? For number of applications coming in number of terminations? Number of hires. How did I do? And what’s my goal for each quarter for 2024? And then once you make those goals set up some accountability check ins. So who is responsible for each of those things? Do you have somebody on your team doing sales doing marketing it? But it might maybe be

00:28:07.950 –> 00:28:26.460
Courtney McCormick: A scheduler would probably be more in charge of managing overtime. But whoever might be in charge of these sorts of things, an office manager you’re gonna meet with them about these goals and then say, Okay, we’re gonna meet every month on the third Friday. And we’re gonna talk about. We’re gonna look at business intelligence. See where your numbers are at.

00:28:27.010 –> 00:28:28.880
Courtney McCormick: Sean. Let’s go to the next slide.

00:28:30.090 –> 00:28:58.990
Courtney McCormick: Alright. So easy. Data tracking with business intelligence. There’s so much so inside of access care. There are a million reports that you can pull. It’s really in the weeds, right? It’s really micro. We’re looking really into the the details, line by line and business intelligence is a way to zoom out from that. And really look at the Macro. The trends over time of how your business is doing. So, you’re looking at

00:28:58.990 –> 00:29:13.009
Courtney McCormick: different, really important kpis. Like the active number of caregivers you have currently or in a specific date range, their average length of service. How long they’re staying with your agency, your caregiver, turnover ratio, your overtime reports.

00:29:13.010 –> 00:29:30.549
Courtney McCormick: your active number of applicants. You have right now in your system, and month by month, over the last year the average number of hours worked per week or per month. So much more. I’m gonna share my screen real quick and just give you guys a a view, Sean, if you wanna stop sharing your screen.

00:29:31.900 –> 00:29:34.519
Courtney McCormick: let me get my bold up here.

00:29:35.990 –> 00:29:37.629
Courtney McCormick: There we go

00:29:40.180 –> 00:30:03.779
Courtney McCormick: alright. So this is what our business intelligence looks like, and this is just the Caregiver dashboard. We also have dashboards to go over your finances and your clients, and your hours analysis so much. But this is the Caregiver dashboard. So you know, this is obviously a huge agency. With tons of active caregivers. This is just a demo site pulling in tons and tons of data.

00:30:03.780 –> 00:30:24.740
Courtney McCormick: So we’re looking at all these active caregivers. How many act active applicants we have in the pipeline. How many we’ve hired, how many we’ve terminated, based on, you know, which regions we’re pulling in which different companies were pulling in and the statuses here we can even filter by higher and termination dates.

00:30:24.740 –> 00:30:46.109
Courtney McCormick: And then this is that main turnover rate that we’re looking to track. So this is what I was telling you. We’re always looking to at the last 12 months here. So we’re trying to keep it in the green. This Demo Fake Agency is doing great at 34.5. We’re trying to keep turnover under 50.

00:30:46.110 –> 00:31:03.140
Courtney McCormick: So we’re trying to always watch this needle it’s going to take based on the last completed month. What’s your the 12 month rolling turnover rate? So you can just consistently be tracking this and see, and we’re going up. Are we going down?

00:31:03.270 –> 00:31:13.230
Courtney McCormick: And then you can look at here. How many people have been hired? How many have applied? How many have been terminated month by month

00:31:13.330 –> 00:31:20.330
Courtney McCormick: looking scrolling over like this? So there’s lots and lots of good data here.

00:31:20.360 –> 00:31:40.439
Courtney McCormick: that you guys can look into. I mean, you can drill into so much data there. Shawn, you can go back to sharing really tell you so much. That’s just a real, brief, brief overview that we can really drill down into tons of information there. Inside of access care, business intelligence.

00:31:40.480 –> 00:32:01.350
Courtney McCormick: and we can go ahead and go to the next slide there. So if you want to, get started with business intelligence to be able to do that data tracking to look at what your caregiver turnover is and start that data tracking. You can send my team an email at

00:32:01.350 –> 00:32:08.669
Courtney McCormick: That email on your screen. There, you can also send an email there. If you wanna get started with tap check

00:32:08.670 –> 00:32:31.560
Courtney McCormick: or if you don’t use access care. And you wanna get started with access care. We’ll also get you in touch with the right person by E emailing my team there. But essentially, you know, we’re gonna dive into QA. Here in just a second. We’ve got lots of good questions that were submitted ahead of time. Some questions that have come in during live during the session today as well. Shawn. But

00:32:31.560 –> 00:32:56.110
Courtney McCormick: you know, basically we have. We have all of these different kind of benefits that you can list in your for recruitment. And then all of these benefits that you can offer, that we’re looking at the stats and the data that tell us they in increase employee satisfaction and they increase retention. They’ll keep your caregivers with you longer.

00:32:56.160 –> 00:33:15.770
Courtney McCormick: And also just a side note. Tap check is free for you guys. So I’m like, why not? Why would? Why would you not do this? So with that, let’s jump into some QA. One of one of the questions that we had from today, Shawn, from Jessica, and she’s wanting to use tap check.

00:33:15.770 –> 00:33:39.990
Courtney McCormick: But she was saying that the payroll her company account it works for isn’t compatible with tab check. Is there a way, if you guys aren’t already integrated with a specific payroll company that they could just send you their payroll data to do it that way. Yeah, I mean, certainly there is. I’m I’m gonna assume that. The accountant is probably just using like quick books on the back end and

00:33:39.990 –> 00:33:50.079
Sean Dougherty: quick books is just a very basic accounting software solution that does not support any form of integration. So there’s the I’ll answer this in 2 parts, if it is quick books.

00:33:50.080 –> 00:34:17.640
Sean Dougherty: a lot of our accounting firms. If the client says, Hey, I’d really want this. They we can send them a deduction report, and when they process payroll for you at the end of each week, or biweekly. Cycle, or whatever it may be, can just manually type in the deductions for you, which is absolutely, you know, something they can do fairly quickly, cause there likely won’t be that many deductions. And they can process as usual. Or if it happens to not be quick books, and maybe it’s just a smaller company that maybe doesn’t support any form of integration.

00:34:17.640 –> 00:34:29.180
Sean Dougherty: We just build like a flat Csv file which we can email to either the accountant or to directly to the customer each pay cycle, so it’ll break down every deductions, and all they do is take that Csv file

00:34:29.180 –> 00:34:41.310
Sean Dougherty: uploaded into their system, and all the data will sync. So not a not 100% hands off at that point, but extremely hands off. I mean, it takes one to 2 min to just upload check that make sure everything synced and process as usual.

00:34:41.310 –> 00:34:54.510
Courtney McCormick: Okay, so what I’m hearing you say Shawn, is, if you guys, if if our viewers. If our agencies use a payroll platform that you guys are already integrated with, which sounds like you said is over 100.

00:34:54.630 –> 00:35:21.429
Courtney McCormick: That’s crazy. That’s a lot. Then it’s completely hands off. Now, if you’re using something like quick books, and it’s not something that you’re integrated with. I know quick books doesn’t really integrate with many things. I hear this a lot about quick folks. But then there’s a little bit of work takes one to 2 min, but it’s still free to the user. It just is gonna take a couple of minutes of work on the users end.

00:35:21.610 –> 00:35:38.089
Sean Dougherty: Yeah. And we have many clients that do it that way. Just be, do the limitations of like a system like quick books, but very, not labor intensive. Yeah. Takes couple of minutes. And and you’re back on track, and yet does not change any of the costs. There’s no implementation fee. There’s no monthly fees. This is 100% free to the employer across the board.

00:35:38.150 –> 00:36:06.600
Courtney McCormick: Perfect. That’s a great info cause. One of the questions we had was, what’s the fee? And that’s great that you just, you know, reiterated, that there is no implementation fee. There is no setup fee. There is that either instant transfer fee or next a fee that the employee pays. They’re using your card. In that case it’s a free transfer.

00:36:06.900 –> 00:36:27.089
Courtney McCormick: That’s great. And then we hear some more questions, what is the best way to market our company to get more nurses. I would just go back to what I’ve just been kind of drilling in today, which is you know, making sure in your app. That’s whether they’re on indeed, or Facebook or wherever you might put your ads

00:36:27.090 –> 00:36:41.110
Courtney McCormick: to list your benefits in big, bold letters. Stand. Make yourself stand out. And Shawn, if you could go back to Slide 22 that has the creative benefits on it.

00:36:42.730 –> 00:37:06.759
Courtney McCormick: There you go! I’m just gonna leave this here for a second. I would list the the same day, pay room for promotions like, grow your career like you get a title here titles are important. So here is your first title, and here’s the opportunity for growth within our agency raises based on their education, based on completed trainings

00:37:06.760 –> 00:37:26.239
Courtney McCormick: caregiver rewards. What are the incentives that you’re offering them? What kind of Pto can you offer? Are you offering any pto? Is that a possibility for your full time employees who are working 40 HA week potentially 30 to 40 HA week. I would just really

00:37:26.410 –> 00:37:35.040
Courtney McCormick: make your ads as robust as possible. Shawn, do you have anything to add to that about marketing their company to get more employees?

00:37:36.210 –> 00:38:01.070
Sean Dougherty: Yeah, I mean, I think you covered the the vast majority of that there. But yeah, I think starting with the job requisitions has been just such a critical component for our our employers and helping to drive interest, those open positions as mentioned to to reiterate. I mean, on average, a hundred percent increase in in in people applying for jobs just by listening on the job ads. But I think also, you know, once once you’ve got it in place, spreading awareness to the existing

00:38:01.070 –> 00:38:06.590
employees that this benefit is available cause not everyone may have caught wind of that. So we have like.

00:38:06.590 –> 00:38:17.719
Sean Dougherty: not even like break room posters. We have like physical and digital literature we can have like email templates sent out to you guys so you can push it out to your team. So whatever can help draw that that awareness. And we’re happy to support that.

00:38:17.890 –> 00:38:26.339
Courtney McCormick: Yeah, that’s awesome ideas on where to find great caregivers. I think the best caregivers are from referrals from your current caregivers.

00:38:26.420 –> 00:38:33.380
Courtney McCormick: in my opinion. We see the biggest return on investment on referrals from caregivers.

00:38:33.390 –> 00:38:54.419
Courtney McCormick: That, you know can come in with the automated caregiver rewards. Send me an email at that integration to access Carecom. If you wanna learn more about that because we really are seeing lots of great retention. When we are when you have people who know each other referring other caregivers to work with them.

00:38:54.480 –> 00:39:23.670
Courtney McCormick: There’s also a lot of great mentorship programs that I’m aware of that you’re welcome to email me about integrations at Access Carecom. Get my name’s Courtney. Just address it to me. And there’s some mentorship programs in place that you could take advantage of that where you have, you know, senior caregivers mentoring new caregivers. That’s a really excellent way to find, and then keep your new caregivers.

00:39:24.670 –> 00:39:50.309
Courtney McCormick: You want to learn more about reducing caregiver turnover. I think that we have talked about that best place to advertise or find caregiver help, hey? That changes location to location depending where you are. You know every person that I ask that question to gives me a different answer. To be honest with you, if you join some forums. I know Facebook has a lot of great home care forums.

00:39:50.330 –> 00:40:10.730
Courtney McCormick: And it really could be Facebook. It could be, indeed could be Linkedin. There are some options out there to get you some help like higherology, for instance. We do have an integration with them. If you wanna chat about that that can help you find more help there.

00:40:11.070 –> 00:40:13.700
Courtney McCormick: How to help employees from Burnout

00:40:13.780 –> 00:40:38.659
Courtney McCormick: so recently. II read something that said, you know, somebody posted an article again. This is from Linkedin, where I spend most my social media time, and about burnout is not related to the number of hours you work or your work, but it’s more related to how you’re being managed by your manager.

00:40:38.680 –> 00:40:57.980
Courtney McCormick: So what I would really encourage you to do as someone who leads caregivers or leads employees is to really dive into the communication with your employees. Make sure you’re using the chat feature inside of ax access, care to connect with your employees, to connect with your caregivers.

00:40:57.980 –> 00:41:09.800
Courtney McCormick: Use those caregiver surveys to see. Are you having a a a like bad experience or good experiences? During your shifts? And how can I support you? What are your needs?

00:41:09.800 –> 00:41:35.060
Courtney McCormick: And then, as we’ve seen today, I think that this earned wage access, when someone is living burnout is also caused by stress chronic stress or localized stress in personal life. So you know, when our caregivers are facing a car that Ca has, you know, it’s broken down, or a sudden medical bill from a child, or these unexpected expenses

00:41:35.090 –> 00:41:43.630
Courtney McCormick: that’s financial stress on them is gonna lead to burnout like that so helping to alleviate that without the, you know.

00:41:43.710 –> 00:42:04.410
Courtney McCormick: embarrassment, or maybe shame of having to ask their employer for a payday loan or having to get go to, you know, an actual payday loan place which are predatorial. and by using tap check is a really great way to help prevent burnout, in my opinion.

00:42:04.410 –> 00:42:22.560
Courtney McCormick: and then just equipping your caregivers with great education, make sure you’re using a really really good caregiver training platform access care in a integrates with 3 different caregiver training platforms. That are really, really fun for your caregivers to interact with.

00:42:22.560 –> 00:42:39.070
Courtney McCormick: It’s not just sitting there reading a Pdf the whole time. It’s really fun. It feels like playing games on your cell phone. So I would say, also educating them, giving them benefits, giving them caregiver rewards anything you would, add Shawn.

00:42:40.340 –> 00:43:02.559
Sean Dougherty: No, no, I think that’s great. I saw I was reading another question that just came in as well that I was gonna address after you wrapped up, Maria had asked. Do we, the employer, have to participate in the Ewa in order for employees and caregivers to participate? Or is it something they can automatically participate. You would have to at the employer level.

00:43:02.700 –> 00:43:17.440
Sean Dougherty: you know. Get this implemented and and rolled out so that employees would have availability. However, once in place you don’t have to sign up any employees. They, you can, you know, give them literature or provide an email template to them like, Hey, this is, this is available.

00:43:17.440 –> 00:43:40.559
Sean Dougherty: Here’s the steps you need to follow from there. It’s all in their hands. They download the app, they log into a web browser, or whatever it may be, they sign up on their own, they sync up their bank accounts on their own. They initiate the transfers on their own. And then, you know, if you’re using an integrated payroll solution which you most likely are, the data will just flow right into your payroll system for reconciliation. So very, very little work to do on your end. And certainly you don’t have to sign up any employees.

00:43:41.070 –> 00:43:42.150
Courtney McCormick: That’s great.

00:43:42.170 –> 00:44:01.469
Courtney McCormick: Okay, let’s I want to hear from our audience again, and I’ll share the results of our first poll. If my marketing team has a poll ready? If you are interested in learning more about tap check, we would love to hear from you. So when we launch that first poll.

00:44:01.820 –> 00:44:14.290
Courtney McCormick: Shawn, 94 of people who responded have not are not currently using same day pay or an earned way.

00:44:14.350 –> 00:44:28.550
Courtney McCormick: I know. So. This tells me like sometimes we’re have. There’s a bit of fear around the unknown of like it seems like a hassle. I don’t wanna do it, you know that just seems like too much. But

00:44:28.950 –> 00:44:38.500
Courtney McCormick: genuinely, guys it’s worth looking into. It’s free to look into. There’s no cost to the employer. 100%. I would recommend it.

00:44:38.960 –> 00:45:05.040
Courtney McCormick: And let’s launch one more poll here. I don’t know how many of you guys are using access, care or not using access care. But if you are interested in learning more about access care click, yes, here, or if you’re already an access care user, and you want to get set up with business intelligence. If you click. Yes, here, we’ll know you’re already an access care user from our our system and reach out to you about business intelligence and get that set up for you guys as well.

00:45:06.320 –> 00:45:14.140
Courtney McCormick: Let’s see here last questions we had. Why are the fees?

00:45:17.970 –> 00:45:22.629
Courtney McCormick: I don’t understand someone’s asking question about fees being double.

00:45:23.660 –> 00:45:28.040
Courtney McCormick: I don’t understand about the fees being tub double, but not

00:45:28.380 –> 00:45:42.859
Courtney McCormick: not for tap check. You don’t understand the question. So sorry if you can resubmit that question. If that was your question. When you registered about the fees being doubled, there are no doubled fees, as far as I know. The fees are just that.

00:45:42.990 –> 00:46:02.070
Sean Dougherty: No, the the fee, the fee is just each time they decide to gain access to their wages prior to payday. There is a small transaction fee. So there’s if they in theory, it would be double if they did it 2 days in a row because they’d pay the fee today and pay the fee tomorrow. But it’s only per transaction.

00:46:02.310 –> 00:46:30.739
Courtney McCormick: So last question that I have here in front of me is, how can access care, help me track my retention and engagement efforts? So basically, I would just say, use that business intelligence tool. We do have some reports inside access care that you can pull applicant reports, but you’d be pulling individual reports. They’re not graph. They’re not charted. They’re not trend lines across time. Access. Your business. Intelligence really makes it super simple for you to grow your number

00:46:30.740 –> 00:46:45.350
Courtney McCormick: of applicants, to track your caregiver retention, to set some goals for the future and really help grow your business, increase profitability, retain your caregivers. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It’s worth it for every agency.

00:46:46.070 –> 00:46:49.600
Sean anything else to add before we sign off?

00:46:50.110 –> 00:47:14.770
Sean Dougherty: No, no, just wanted to thank everyone. I mean, we had nearly all participants stay stay on through this, this entire webinar, which is fantastic. So hopefully, this was informative, and Courtney has always do an incredible job. Thank you for interjecting throughout my presentation as well for some validation. And if anyone needs, you know, wants to learn more, feel free to reach out to us. Don’t be shy. We’ve got a great

00:47:14.770 –> 00:47:25.220
Sean Dougherty: team here that I’ll walk you through the solution one by one, and answer any you know. Detailed questions you may have and hopefully get this rolled out so we can make a positive impact on on your overall business.

00:47:25.350 –> 00:47:35.279
Courtney McCormick: Yes, guys, thanks so much for joining us today. Please let us help you guys retain your caregivers. Get in touch with us and we will talk to you soon. Thanks so much.

00:47:35.570 –> 00:47:37.389
Courtney McCormick: Thanks, guys. Bye, bye.

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