AxisCare Home Care Software Blog
Stabilize Agency Cash Flow With Payer Source Diversification
“If your agency is one that relies heavily on private pay clients, now is not the time to panic but it is the time to get strategic about optimizing private pay cash flow and
Speaking Your Caregiver’s Professional Love Language
With the rising demand for their services, many professional caregivers are struggling to keep up with work. As shared in a report on caregivers by Yahoo, many work sectors — including
2023 Prediction: A People First Mentality is Crucial to Success
“Recruiting and retaining caregivers will continue to be a major pain point for the industry and a limiter of growth for agencies nationwide.” -Todd Allen, CEO of AxisCare. We recently sat
2023 Predictions in Home Care
As we embark on another year, the home care industry is as resilient and vibrant as ever. We sat down with Todd Allen, CEO & Co-Owner of AxisCare, to hear
5 Ways EVV Can Help Retain Caregivers & Improve Job Satisfaction
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a system that uses technology, such as smartphones or tablets, to verify that a caregiver has arrived at a client’s home for a scheduled visit.
Why Updated Technology Carries Companies Through Crises
Software can be a tremendous asset to any organization—but it has its limits when not modernized and maintained. Failing to purchase quality platforms or finance routine updates often leads companies
Boost Training: Incentivize Ongoing Education for Your Staff
By Jennifer Lagemann for CareAcademy Caregiver training has always been a hot topic in the home care industry. But, how do you get your caregivers to engage and complete their
Caregiver Recruitment: How To Make YOUR Agency THEIR Top Choice
Caregiver recruitment has been one of the most pressing problems for the home care industry for a long time. As a veteran caregiver training provider, CareAcademy has been monitoring this and witnessed it
Leverage Happy Clients: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brand & Business
When considering new products, potential clients turn to people and sources they know and trust. Referrals from friends, acquaintances, and even online forums inform tough decisions and lend a hand