axiscare home care software

Tips for Using Technology to Improve Caregiver Retention and Operational Efficiency With AxisCare CTO, John Atkinson

AxisCare CTO, John Atkinson, unpacks how AxisCare home care software is using innovation to help customers drive efficiency and enhance caregiver retention.

00:00:17.810 –> 00:00:30.349
John Atkinson: Welcome everyone. I see we have some folks joining. Thanks for jumping in. We will give everyone a minute or 2 to join here, and then we’ll get.

00:00:52.530 –> 00:00:55.689
John Atkinson: I think we might still have few folks join in.

00:00:56.770 –> 00:00:58.170
John Atkinson: We’ll give it just a minute.

00:01:09.400 –> 00:01:19.940
John Atkinson: all right. Well, hey, everybody, it’s 101 here, so we will go ahead and get kicked off. we do have a lot to cover today. So we’re gonna

00:01:19.960 –> 00:01:37.769
John Atkinson: make it through a lot of content. So we’ll we’ll get started with that. But first I wanted to just welcome everyone and say, Thank you so much for being a part of this webinar today. I am excited to get to chat with you about some of the ways in which active care is innovating and coming alongside you all.

00:01:37.970 –> 00:02:00.010
John Atkinson: And so we’re gonna go through an agenda, talk a little bit about that innovation strategy, talk a little bit about some opportunities for growth and ways that you can leverage our platform to help you with that. we also are gonna spend some time thinking about operational efficiency and ways that you can leverage tools that are already at your disposal. To do that

00:02:00.010 –> 00:02:20.749
John Atkinson: we’ll talk a little bit about AI, then finish off with some upcoming features, and then have a few minutes for questions at the end. So if you do have questions, feel free to post those in the chat along the way, and then we’ll curate those questions and answer as many of them as we can at the end. So please go ahead and feel free to do that along the way.

00:02:20.960 –> 00:02:40.630
John Atkinson: But I wanted to just start off and share that. You know our mission is really to come alongside you, and the good work that you’re already doing so that and and provide you with a platform that enables you to deliver excellent care at scale. And you know, that’s really something that that we’re excited about and

00:02:40.640 –> 00:03:04.379
John Atkinson: part of what I get to do. One of the things that I love about my role is both the chief technology officer and the chief operating officer and access care is, I get to oversee our product. And one of the things that enables me to do that is, having conversations with you all on a weekly basis. I get to chat with home care operators and people that are on the front lines doing home care so that I can

00:03:04.380 –> 00:03:11.670
John Atkinson: really have kind of a pulse of of what’s going on and what are the tools that you need to be able to do your work effectively.

00:03:11.930 –> 00:03:40.099
John Atkinson: I also oversee our operations team. So that would be our customer, support our customer success and our onboarding teams and the goal of those teams is to really make sure that you’re able to use access care as a platform to come alongside your business, to align with your strategies for growth and service delivery, and really be a a valued partner to you all. So again, thanks for jumping in today.

00:03:40.230 –> 00:04:01.550
John Atkinson: to to have a little chat here about that. So the first thing that I want to talk a little bit about is our innovation strategy. So, as I mentioned earlier, I love getting the chance to talk with our customers, and oftentimes the questions that I’ll ask them are surrounding their greatest barriers to growth

00:04:01.550 –> 00:04:24.709
John Atkinson: and their greatest opportunities. And we know that there’s a lot of both of those in the home care industry. And so we’re gonna talk about some of the the high level ones here in just a minute. But we will, you know, in those conversations, often seek to collaborate. We don’t necessarily try to just say, Hey, here’s the solution that we think is best for that barrier, that opportunity. But

00:04:24.710 –> 00:04:38.090
John Atkinson: we think that really a lot of the the good ideas, the best ideas, come from you all to say, Hey, I really love it. If I had a tool that could do X, y, and Z. And so we love to collaborate with you all on those opportunities.

00:04:38.300 –> 00:05:00.740
John Atkinson: and we get a tons of requests, literally hundreds of requests for additional features and enhancements. And we try to understand which ones are gonna have the greatest impact. Right? There are so many things that we could do. But I think the real trick is to figure out which ones are, gonna provide the most value to the largest number of customers.

00:05:00.970 –> 00:05:30.760
John Atkinson: And one of the things that really helps us to discern that is our Advisory Council. We have, actually 2 advisory councils, one that is focused on kind of the private pay side of things, and another one that’s focused on kind of Medicaid waivers. Va, that side of things. Those are 2 slightly different business models. And we get a lot of you being able to bounce ideas off of our Advisory Council, in addition to a lot of the other conversations that we have every day with with you all.

00:05:31.240 –> 00:05:49.849
John Atkinson: So the first thing that I wanted to talk about in terms of opportunity for growth surrounds a statistic that I read in the home care, pulse, benchmarking study. So for those of you who aren’t familiar with that study, I would recommend googling it and buying a copy of that.

00:05:49.850 –> 00:06:07.659
John Atkinson: It is a tremendously valuable resource to kind of understand the home care landscape. But one of the statistics that they found through their survey was that 75 of home care companies had to turn away clients last year due to a lack of caregivers.

00:06:07.740 –> 00:06:36.649
John Atkinson: And so that’s probably not news to many of you. If you fall into that 75% category. But the the key takeaway there is that the demand for home care exceeds the supply. And so we can. We can cast that as an opportunity that the need for home care and our country is growing, and as more and more baby boomers retire, it is projected to continue to grow another statistic. you know, said that by 2,030 there will be 150

00:06:36.650 –> 00:06:45.550
John Atkinson: 1,000 caregivers shortage you know, additional caregivers will be needed to provide home care to the additional people that are retiring.

00:06:45.750 –> 00:07:05.559
John Atkinson: So you know, while the while the demand being greater than this supply is an opportunity. The ability to have enough caregivers is typically the greatest barrier that I hear when I’m talking with homecare companies. So one of the key metrics there again, that’s found in that home care, pulse, benchmarking study

00:07:05.560 –> 00:07:19.909
John Atkinson: is that the average the Median Home Care Company last year at a 77% caregiver turnover ratio. That means if you had a hundred caregivers you had to replace 77 of them within a year.

00:07:20.160 –> 00:07:34.749
John Atkinson: and this really hit home for me a couple of years ago, when I was talking with one of our clients in Pennsylvania, and he said to me, John, we are a recruiting company. That’s the core of our business. If we don’t recruit.

00:07:34.750 –> 00:08:03.059
John Atkinson: we go away. And and that really stood out to me is like, Wow! I I know that in order, you know, you’ve got to then recruit, train, deliver services and do all the other home Care company things. But if you don’t do that first thing of recruiting caregivers. Yeah, your company with a 77% turnover ratio would not last very long. And so that is a key element to to a successful home care company is is being able to to recruit. But also.

00:08:03.260 –> 00:08:08.569
John Atkinson: I think it’s important to focus on that retention number, right? Because

00:08:08.790 –> 00:08:31.399
John Atkinson: what you can also see in the data is that while the median is 77, those that are in the top order actually have a 37% caregiver turn of a ratio. So it dropped 40% just by going up into that top quartile there. And what that tells me is that some home care companies have found some tools

00:08:31.400 –> 00:08:44.320
John Atkinson: that are effective at reducing caregiver, turnover. And so where am I going with this? One of the things that that we try to do is to provide those tools to you in order to to reduce caregiver, turnover.

00:08:44.430 –> 00:09:08.699
John Atkinson: and one of the the most recent ones that we’ve released earlier late in the spring is a caregiver. Satisfaction surveys. And we think that this is gonna be a tool that you all will be able to use to to kind of dial back that caregiver turnover, you know, if you could even decrease it, 10% or 15 that has a lot of value for your company.

00:09:08.890 –> 00:09:11.880
John Atkinson: So I want to just unpack that and what that looks like a little bit.

00:09:12.030 –> 00:09:16.350
John Atkinson: the the caregiver. Satisfaction survey feature

00:09:16.360 –> 00:09:33.980
John Atkinson: kind of originated by thinking about. You know, if you’ve ever been on an Uber ride before. Whenever you get out and you complete your your ride, you’ll receive a little pop up in your app that says, Hey, rate your shift or rate your ride with this driver, and you can quickly tap one to 5 stars. And

00:09:34.050 –> 00:09:51.370
John Atkinson: what that does is it provides quick feedback. Right? You can provide quick feedback to the driver that maybe they need to do something differently to Uber as a company to say, Hey, this driver is either great or not. you provide feedback to other users, other riders that that might want to pick people with with higher ratings.

00:09:51.630 –> 00:10:01.470
John Atkinson: But it captures a quick sentiment. It’s not an exhaustive survey, but it’s something that’s easy and quick to do, and is able to provide quick feedback.

00:10:01.740 –> 00:10:28.530
John Atkinson: And so, as we translate this to to home care and to caregivers, the idea there is that when a caregiver at different points in their journey with you you can ask them questions and get quick feedback from them, and if they give you a 5 star rating that’s awesome, and and you probably would want to be able to run a report, and you can run a report and see all of those 5 star ratings, and and that can tell you what you’re really doing. Well.

00:10:28.530 –> 00:10:46.909
John Atkinson: but For those that would give you a one or a 2 star rating, you probably would want to respond to that really quickly, and to be able to call them or email them, or chat them on the mobile app to say, hey? I saw that you gave us a one or a 2 star rating after your shift with Mrs. Smith.

00:10:47.260 –> 00:11:00.170
John Atkinson: Can you tell us what’s wrong, or what we can do to help you and and one of the ways that you can be alerted to that fact is part of the caregiver. Satisfaction feature is that you can sign up for chat bottling.

00:11:00.170 –> 00:11:17.280
John Atkinson: And so in the you know top right corner of your browser you can get a pop up alert. That would say, you know that you can subscribe to get the one in the 2 star ratings. You can also subscribe to get those alerts on your phone as well, so that if you’re out running around you get a you know, one of those you can quickly call.

00:11:17.430 –> 00:11:37.700
John Atkinson: because we do know that quick responses, especially to those dissatisfaction kinds of surveys make a big difference on whether or not they’re going to carry on with you. So as we’ve been kind of looking through some of the feedback it’s actually interesting to see what caregivers will respond with when they give a low rating. Sometimes they’ll say things like.

00:11:37.700 –> 00:12:06.489
John Atkinson: hey? Actually, I want more hours. I’m not getting enough hours. What a great opportunity! Aren’t you glad you know that there’s you have probably a bunch of shifts that you need to fill. So this caregiver is a great candidate to to reach out to, you know, or maybe they need more training or another one that we’ve seen is, you know, this client is a smoker, and I don’t want to work in a house where there’s where there’s smoking so you can reassign them to somewhere else. It’s better to reassign a caregiver oftentimes, than to lose them all together.

00:12:07.680 –> 00:12:13.969
John Atkinson: so you can. The the main idea there is that you can get that quick sentiment, and then you can quickly respond.

00:12:14.100 –> 00:12:32.309
John Atkinson: We also see opportunities for companies, you know, to really focus on that first 90 day window that a caregiver is with you. And so we know. That’s the, you know. Statistics show that that’s the the timeframe in which they’re most likely to turn over. So if you can do surveys

00:12:32.310 –> 00:12:47.730
John Atkinson: to them during that time, just quick, easy surveys to measure their experience with you, then you would be able to maybe head off any bad experiences that they’re having. So we see people that are doing periodic surveys through that first 90 days.

00:12:48.220 –> 00:12:54.320
John Atkinson: One just word. If you are already doing surveys, or you’re thinking about it, we would recommend

00:12:54.750 –> 00:13:04.220
John Atkinson: having a limited number of survey. I have also seen companies that are doing, you know, 5 questions after every shift. That might be a little bit of overkill

00:13:04.220 –> 00:13:28.120
John Atkinson: you know, they might start to just hit 5 Star every time, and you might not get as quality of feedback on that. But again, this is a a relatively newly released feature, and so we look forward to being able to study over time the shift and and caregiver retention as people implement these and to be able to understand and talk about, you know additional best practices with those.

00:13:28.510 –> 00:13:49.950
John Atkinson: So you know again, I wanted to just highlight that this caregiver satisfaction survey is really more of just like a quick sentiment, but I also want to highly recommend that you engage with our partner home care, pulse. They are thought leaders in the industry, and in addition to putting out the benchmarking survey.

00:13:49.950 –> 00:14:12.199
John Atkinson: They also engage with home care companies to do surveys in depth, surveys for both clients and caregivers to measure their satisfaction, so they would go through a much more exhaustive survey than kind of the quick 5 star rating that you can do on the app, and that serves a very different and very important need. So we would. We would recommend that you would check them out if you haven’t already

00:14:12.770 –> 00:14:17.929
John Atkinson: so shifting gears a little bit. you know I want to talk about

00:14:18.440 –> 00:14:36.730
John Atkinson: other ways that you can scale your home care company and other ways that you can gain operational efficiency to help you scale. And you know one of the things that we’ve observed over the course of time, and I mentioned earlier that one of my responsibilities is overseeing our onboarding team.

00:14:36.910 –> 00:14:49.710
John Atkinson: One of the things that we’ve observed there is that when a company comes to us from another platform, or sometimes from not any platform at all. they will be eager to adopt new features, and to kind of

00:14:49.730 –> 00:15:12.700
John Atkinson: fit those PE features into their existing business practices, and that window of time often lasts for about 6 months, and it is it is challenging. It takes a lot of effort to make changes and to adopt those changes and to integrate them into your practices. and what we observe oftentimes is that after you know, somewhere around that 6 month window

00:15:12.700 –> 00:15:32.700
John Atkinson: agencies will kind of settle into the features that they have, and not necessarily be aware of, or paying attention to, or interested in adopting new features that come out. So if you’ve been on the platform for 2, 3, 5, 10 years, there’s been so many new features that have come out.

00:15:32.920 –> 00:15:39.189
John Atkinson: and those of you who are on this webinar are probably the ones that are adopting it, right? Because you’re on an

00:15:39.340 –> 00:15:59.580
John Atkinson: webinar about innovation. But I’ll nonetheless encourage you to continue to adopt new features, you know, not just when you’ve on boarded, but you could even think of it as like on a quarterly basis. I want to kind of look out there and see what new features are. available and access care, and the other tools that you use.

00:15:59.580 –> 00:16:09.700
John Atkinson: and how can we implement those into our business practices, you know. Are there opportunities to take one or 2 new things per quarter and help drive a new efficiency?

00:16:11.120 –> 00:16:38.540
John Atkinson: a couple of those that I’ll mention that that some of these have been around for a long time, and some of them, some of them, are relatively new. But one of the big ones is automated billing through access care. So we partner with a company called Card Connect. That is a merchant services company that allows you to do payments on your invoices within access care you can store Ach and credit card payment methods on a client’s wallet.

00:16:38.540 –> 00:16:46.730
John Atkinson: and then you can create those invoices and then automatically draft those accounts after a certain number of days.

00:16:47.000 –> 00:17:14.080
John Atkinson: Clients can also log in to their portal and pay their bill themselves. You can send them an email through the system, they’ll click a link, take them to the portal. They can enter in their payment information and pay that way. So again, that just takes a lot of the work out of tracking down. And and you know, manually doing all those things. it also allows you to to have a good picture of your AR with an active care. So there’s so much more that I could say about that. But

00:17:14.130 –> 00:17:20.779
John Atkinson: you know, maybe that would wet your appetite for learning a little bit more about that. And several of these things that I’m gonna mention here

00:17:20.970 –> 00:17:47.840
John Atkinson: are related to integrations that we have with other platforms. And if you’re interested in one of those integrations, I would encourage you to reach out to our integrations team that you can reach at You send them an email and say, Hey, I’m interested in automated billing. They’ll reach back out to you and set up a time to do a demo and provide more information. So I just encourage you to do that again.

00:17:48.190 –> 00:18:07.469
John Atkinson: another integration that’s related to kind of that recruiting function and that that onboarding of caregivers function would be automated background checks or integrated background checks. So many States require background checks, and you might be doing them through another platform or through your payroll Provider.

00:18:07.470 –> 00:18:36.699
John Atkinson: there could be a lot of value for you doing that in access care as well. You can go right to an applicant or a caregivers record and click, you know. Do background check. Now, you can pick which one you want to do. If you have a couple of different kinds, and then those results will automatically show back up and access care, and you can receive alerts. for the different status as well. So that’s one that people have really found a lot of efficiency. That’s with our partner Allied screen. That is a background check company that is focused on the home care industry in particular.

00:18:36.990 –> 00:18:40.170
John Atkinson: So really, wanna mention that one to you.

00:18:40.430 –> 00:19:07.059
John Atkinson: another one for those of you that do long term care insurance claims. some of you may send that data to your clients and have them submit it, but others of you may fax long term care insurance claims to the home care companies, and I’ve seen how that can take a ton of time to rent all the invoices, and print all the care notes, and collate them all together, and then stand in front of the fax machine for hours.

00:19:07.060 –> 00:19:31.019
John Atkinson: and the great news for those of you that maybe didn’t didn’t know this. This here actually has the ability to electronically backs invoices and care notes to long term care insurance providers. So there’s help articles on that. You can reach out to our support team to find out more. But if you do a volume of Ltci I would highly recommend learning about faxing if you don’t already know about that.

00:19:31.380 –> 00:19:44.510
John Atkinson: Another one that’s been around for a long time, that we’ve continued to add on additional features and capabilities to is our electronic submission of Medicaid and Va claims. Through a clearing house.

00:19:44.510 –> 00:20:04.280
John Atkinson: You can submit those claims electronically to the payers, they will pay them and submit remittances back to you electronically, which will be applied to your claims. And then, if there’s an error on the claim, or it needs to be adjusted or resubmitted. You can then do that through access care it will go back to the payer, and then those

00:20:04.540 –> 00:20:11.940
John Atkinson: you know shifts will automatically be paid, and you can see again that AR within your platform. It makes that a lot easier than

00:20:11.990 –> 00:20:19.750
John Atkinson: you know. I’ve I’ve heard of people going in and applying remittances line by line to an invoices, and that can just take a long time.

00:20:20.160 –> 00:20:29.140
John Atkinson: The last one that I’ll mention. That’s a tool again in your tool belt today. That you could do in access. Care is the automatic calculation of over time.

00:20:29.250 –> 00:20:50.889
John Atkinson: inter- visit travel, time and shift differentials. So we do from time to time. See people doing these things manually. Maybe they’ll do a payroll export and then manually apply all those things and you might not have known that active care can do that. But it is something that you can apply within the system. Specifically. I’ll just highlight those shift differentials. If you want to

00:20:50.890 –> 00:20:59.819
John Atkinson: pay your caregivers more if they take a short shift or an evening shift or a weekend shift, you can go in and set that up on a service

00:20:59.820 –> 00:21:21.130
John Atkinson: to apply different pay rates for those different types of shifts. And then your schedulers don’t have to remember to pick the right rates and or pick the right service. They just pick the service. And then all those rules are applied automatically. Again. There’s help articles on all those things you can reach out to our support team or your customer success manager. And they’ll walk you through. How to set all those things up.

00:21:21.350 –> 00:21:33.489
John Atkinson: So again, those are tools that you have access to today. and we’re continuing to come out with with new ones every week. I’ll mention some additional ones at the end. How we do it on time. Great looking good.

00:21:33.540 –> 00:21:53.980
John Atkinson: Alright. So I want to kind of spend a minute just looking down the road a little ways and and thinking about something that you all probably have been hearing a lot about. If you watch the news most likely you have heard a lot of talk about artificial intelligence and how it’s, gonna you know, revolutionize the world.

00:21:54.180 –> 00:22:16.109
John Atkinson: And you know, the interesting thing is that artificial intelligence is not really, fundamentally a new technology, although it may seem to be so, you know. But the the reality is we have been using AI in our everyday experiences without probably realizing it. if you have siri or Alexa those are driven. But

00:22:16.120 –> 00:22:27.829
John Atkinson: whenever you look on a you know Web browser and see an advertisement that pops up. That’s something that you’re interested in. Chances are that was driven by a I, you know, observing your browsing habits

00:22:28.100 –> 00:22:46.880
John Atkinson: whenever you go to Amazon, and you see recommendations of of products that are similar to ones that you bought in the past. Again, AI translation apps video games. AI has really been all over the place, and we, you know, just kind of maybe even take it for granted. It just is kind of integrated into our everyday experiences.

00:22:47.020 –> 00:22:59.269
John Atkinson: which is, which is wonderful but the thing that is really maybe new, or it has been in the last year. So really coming, becoming. More prominent is this concept of generative A,

00:22:59.440 –> 00:23:22.179
John Atkinson: and that is, you know, a technology that that allows you to create things like text and images based on prompts, and it’s pretty awesome what these things can do. So chat Gpt is one of those tools. And it was really fun. I actually use chat Gpt to create my Linkedin by. You know, I said, hey, here’s kind of you know some general things about my role.

00:23:22.460 –> 00:23:30.989
John Atkinson: Generate a Linkedin bio for me, and it spit out one that was probably, you know, 90% where it needed to be, and I just adjusted it a little bit and popped it up there.

00:23:31.140 –> 00:23:32.430
John Atkinson: and it took me

00:23:32.460 –> 00:23:57.329
John Atkinson: 10 min, whereas maybe if I had just done that by myself it would have taken an hour. Our engineers use this type of generative AI to to do their coding every day. It actually really can speed up the generation of of code and do a lot of kind of the boilerplate or simple things make those things faster, and really enhance the capabilities that we already have.

00:23:57.530 –> 00:24:15.180
John Atkinson: So that type of generative generative AI is a really powerful new technology. And you know, I think one of the keys to using AI effectively all the different types of AI that I mentioned there is to know what it’s good at and what it’s not good at.

00:24:15.600 –> 00:24:37.360
John Atkinson: and my sense is that in its current form AI is most useful when it is predicting outcomes. So, for example, AI can predict which ads you’re likely to click on which spots in an MRI or potential diseases and closer to home, which caregivers are most likely to leave your company.

00:24:37.470 –> 00:24:48.200
John Atkinson: And these are the types of AI that you may hear referred to as machine learning, which can be broadly thought of, as you know, training and AI to be good at a specific task.

00:24:48.450 –> 00:24:59.289
John Atkinson: And so we think that there’s a lot of potential to leverage machine learning in the home care industry specifically in the areas of caregiver retention and scheduling efficiency.

00:24:59.340 –> 00:25:00.440
John Atkinson: So

00:25:00.460 –> 00:25:13.640
John Atkinson: you know, when you think about the way that caregivers interact with our platform. We can see, you know, if they clock in on time, or if they clock in late, or if they request a shift or decline a shift. We can see.

00:25:13.660 –> 00:25:26.499
John Atkinson: you know, all kinds of different behavior that would indicate their level of engagement, and we think that those behaviors can be linked to the likelihood of caregiver tournament. So one of the things that we’re exploring and investigating

00:25:26.500 –> 00:25:46.050
John Atkinson: is, you know, this ability to create a caregiver, turnover, score, and assign that to each caregiver, and then recommend ways to re engage them so that you can improve the chances of them staying with your company. We think that again. Kind of dressing, addressing one of those main barriers to growth would be a really powerful way to leverage

00:25:46.390 –> 00:25:47.440
John Atkinson: AI.

00:25:47.490 –> 00:25:54.870
John Atkinson: And then, you know, as I’m talking with home care companies, one of the main pieces of feedback that I hear

00:25:54.870 –> 00:26:22.109
John Atkinson: The challenges that they have is, you know. Hey? We’ve had this care Coordinator that’s been with us for for 3 years, and they’re really awesome but whenever we bring on and brand new care coordinator. It takes a while for them to get up to speed, and that, you know, veteran has all of the knowledge and know which caregivers are likely to accept shifts, and they kind of know how to work the system to to fill those shifts efficiently. But but how can we.

00:26:22.120 –> 00:26:24.760
John Atkinson: you know. Train those new

00:26:24.810 –> 00:26:27.699
John Atkinson: care coordinators more quickly and get them up to speed.

00:26:27.980 –> 00:26:42.190
John Atkinson: And one of the things that’s interesting about that is that the actions of those, you know, senior care coordinators, those top level ones A lot of these actions are recorded in the platform, and we think that there’s an opportunity there to

00:26:42.250 –> 00:27:00.609
John Atkinson: feed a lot of that data into machine learning to be able to discover what those best best practices are, and then present those to new care coordinators, or to to really any care coordinator to kind of guide them and recommend them towards those best practices. So lots of potential

00:27:00.690 –> 00:27:10.650
John Atkinson: again with AI, and we are exploring ways that we will be able to leverage that in the future, and we’ll be excited to see those, you know coming down coming down the road on our roadmap

00:27:11.010 –> 00:27:28.440
John Atkinson: so real quickly. I know that we’re getting kind of close on time. I’ll be looking for a question or 2 from you guys here. Hopefully, we’ll have time to to answer just one or 2 here at the end. But I wanted to just mention 4 things real quickly that are coming up on the roadmap that I think you’ll be excited to see.

00:27:28.470 –> 00:27:33.209
John Atkinson: So the first one, briefly, is the mobile app in Spanish.

00:27:33.230 –> 00:27:45.999
John Atkinson: and in talking with our Advisory Council a couple of weeks ago, we learned that, you know, in their experience at least about 50 to 60% of the home or of the caregivers.

00:27:46.050 –> 00:28:01.240
John Atkinson: Their native language is something other than English and Spanish, being one of the predominant languages is the one that we’re going to work on first and and we’ll translate the static text that’s in the mobile app. And then eventually we’ll get to translating Adls and care notes and those sorts of things as well.

00:28:01.420 –> 00:28:28.880
John Atkinson: Very excited about that. One work opportunity tax credits is another one that is an opportunity. But as you’re hiring caregivers. if you are, if you hire someone that happens to fall into a particular set of categories where they’re receiving different types of Federal aid, the Government will actually give you a tax credit for hiring them. And so the Wattsy solution that we are currently building will enable you to quickly

00:28:28.880 –> 00:28:42.829
John Atkinson: and through the mobile app notify caregivers when they need to fill out a survey to answer questions about whether they qualify. You’ll be able to see on a dashboard. Who has completed that survey, and you’ll be able to reach out to them and say, Hey, go ahead and complete it.

00:28:42.840 –> 00:29:02.359
John Atkinson: and then you’ll be able to see when people were approved, or the credit, and what the likely credit will be. So. again. You, you know there are ways that you can do this outside of access care. But we think that this is gonna really provide greater efficiency and compliance with getting more and more of this caregiver to fill out the surveys

00:29:03.150 –> 00:29:25.790
John Atkinson: quickly. I’ll mention, we’re gonna be releasing an open Api in the coming months as well for you to be able to utilize, to connect with other systems that you, you want to bring data into and out of access care, and then also the ability to schedule. Your pay rate changes, you know. If you have an annual pay rate increase or different things like that, where you want to be able to schedule it.

00:29:25.910 –> 00:29:41.429
John Atkinson: you’ll be able to say it. Set a date and see. On this date pay rates go from X to Y. So those are going to be some that are coming down the road here in the near future, and looking forward to getting those in your hands as well as getting feedback on them once they’re out there.

00:29:41.560 –> 00:29:55.780
John Atkinson: So we’ve got about 1 min and and we can go over just a little bit if you want to stick around. I can extend for just a bit to answer a couple of questions. So let’s see, let me look at the list over here.

00:30:02.400 –> 00:30:03.990
John Atkinson: All right.

00:30:04.570 –> 00:30:21.390
John Atkinson: Let’s see, can I speed up the process of scheduling my caregivers? So? Yes, you certainly can. And one of the things that I would suggest there is, particularly leveraging the real time view. And

00:30:21.390 –> 00:30:47.850
John Atkinson: you know, if you’re thinking about like looking at unassigned caregiver or unassigned visits. For example, you can filter that page to just the unassigned visits. And one of the things that we’ve learned from from some of our really large home care customers is a best practice would be looking for, not to just fill like individual shifts, but trying to fill the recurring ones.

00:30:48.040 –> 00:31:01.820
John Atkinson: And you can see those on the real time view by a little kind of circle with an arrow icon down in the bottom of the tip. And so we would. Really, we’ve seen a lot of companies grow in greater efficiency there

00:31:02.100 –> 00:31:26.080
John Atkinson: and then. also, we’ve found it to be very effective to use the preferred weekly hours report, so that involves collecting those preferred weekly hours from caregivers, and then you can run the report to see who wants more hours, and that will enable you to to quickly reach out to those folks who’ve already said, hey, we want more hours than what we already have. so I’d recommend checking that out

00:31:26.870 –> 00:31:40.639
John Atkinson: We’ve got a question last question here. about the open Api details or dates. So the the broad level detail that I’ll share initially

00:31:41.000 –> 00:32:05.809
John Atkinson: is that the first 3 kind of objects in the Api that we’re gonna release. The first one will be clients. So you’ll be able to to retrieve and update data related to clients. The second will be caregivers, and the third will be visits. we’re gonna continue to expand, you know, beyond those set of of objects as we get it built out more, but those will be the first.

00:32:05.810 –> 00:32:33.169
John Atkinson: and in terms of dates. I shy away from setting a specific date, but I’ll tell you that we’re working on the clients. Api, right now. So I think you know conservatively, you could imagine in the 6 to 8 week timeframe. We’ll probably beta test that with some folks. So if you’re interested in Beta testing reach out to our support team, let them know, and we can, you know. Follow that process if we have open beta spots.

00:32:33.900 –> 00:32:35.920
John Atkinson: All right.

00:32:35.950 –> 00:33:03.920
John Atkinson: Well again. Thank you all so much for jumping in with me today. I hope you found at least one nugget out of everything that I shared, that you can go and take back to your team and and begin implementing and begin. you know, just increasing that operational efficiency. We’d love to hear feedback. So please, you know. Share your feedback with us. Please bring those requests. We’d want to hear them. We want to hear how we can help you guys.

00:33:04.060 –> 00:33:10.629
John Atkinson: provide excellent home care at scale. So thanks again so much, and we’ll see you later. Hi, everyone.

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