How to Actually Retain and Support Your Caregivers

Learn effective strategies to improve caregiver retention at your agency and keep them engaged for longer periods of time. Watch for practical tips and methods you can employ to support and retain your caregivers in home care.

00:00:04.010 –> 00:00:27.630
Courtney McCormick: Alright. We’re gonna go ahead and kick things off this morning or this afternoon, depending on what time zone you’re in. Thanks. So much for joining us today. My name is Courtney Mccormick. I’m the director of client success. I’m here with Alan Levine, the senior Vice President of revenue and growth with Navon. We are thrilled to be with you guys this morning. We’re talking about caregiver retention.

00:00:27.630 –> 00:00:52.569
Courtney McCormick: And this is something that I know that we talk about all the time here at Axis care. And Alan’s talking about all the time at Navon. But it’s something that we are not tired of speaking about, because it’s something that you guys are dealing with each and every day. It’s something that is affecting your bottom line. It’s affecting your business and your growth, and we really care about it. We care about helping you guys succeed, making you profitable, making you

00:00:52.570 –> 00:01:04.220
Courtney McCormick: successful and saving you time and headaches helping you grow. So what we want to do today is we want to dive into some real

00:01:04.220 –> 00:01:07.340
Courtney McCormick: techniques and strategy

00:01:07.340 –> 00:01:37.140
Courtney McCormick: behind what you can actually do to retain your caregivers and support your caregivers to keep them around longer. So we’re gonna dive into all of that. First, we could just get some intros out of the way. Let me say this off the bat we are recording today’s call. We will be sending it out to everyone who’s here afterwards. Later this afternoon. I believe you’ll be getting the recording and if you registered you’ll be getting the recording as well.

00:01:37.290 –> 00:02:02.279
Courtney McCormick: And we have a QA. Here at the bottom on your screen here. So if you move your mouse around, you can see that QA. Section. When you registered, we also had an opportunity for you to submit questions there. So please submit questions as we go. We would love to answer your questions. So please just go ahead and get those in, and we are gonna have a live QA.

00:02:02.280 –> 00:02:26.440
Session at the end. So like I said, my name is Cordy Mccormick. I’m the director of client success here at Axis care. And what that means is, I work with our clients specifically on integrations and what we’re our vision here with this. What we’re doing with integrations at Axis care is we are envisioning a world where you can use your scheduling software access care

00:02:26.440 –> 00:02:29.250
Courtney McCormick: and do so much from one place.

00:02:29.250 –> 00:02:49.989
Courtney McCormick: So payroll your billing and invoicing your background checks. And like we have today your caregiver training. We have an integration with Nevon for your caregiver training. And that’s one of the huge, impact impactful elements of caregiver retention here. So Alan, why don’t you introduce yourself to everybody?

00:02:50.040 –> 00:02:56.429
Allan Levine: Thank you. And thank you for having having me. We’re super excited about. Sorry I’m super excited about this.

00:02:56.610 –> 00:03:08.280
Allan Levine: It’s a topic that’s near and dear to us at Navon. It’s something that we’re always trying to influence and and create the needle forward. My name is Alan Levine. I’m the senior Vice President of revenue and growth at Navon.

00:03:08.310 –> 00:03:19.799
Allan Levine: at Nvon. What we do best is train and motivate caregivers Nvon is a platform designed to educate caregivers anywhere, anytime, and on any device

00:03:19.850 –> 00:03:33.789
Allan Levine: and we’ve been working the last few years. On a lot of different solutions that it comes to recruitment and rich and retention. And we’re starting to see some substantial impact in the industry and super excited to to talk about some of that today.

00:03:33.890 –> 00:03:44.130
Courtney McCormick: Absolutely. I can’t wait to dive in. We’re going to give you guys a lot of good content. So if you want to get out your pencils or open up another screen to take some notes. I think now is the time for that.

00:03:44.490 –> 00:04:09.290
So let’s dive in. So what is the problem that we are facing with turnover you know, if you guys want to chime in, you can let us know in the QA. Function there as well. And let us know what your problems are with turnover as well. There. If you have anything additional. But the main problems we see is that caregivers are feeling unsupported in their career.

00:04:09.470 –> 00:04:18.569
Courtney McCormick: So when we’re looking at careers, they’re feeling like they’re just floating around. They feel, you know, like there isn’t a lot of development

00:04:18.630 –> 00:04:51.389
Courtney McCormick: they’re just showing up to a job instead of developing a career, they feel isolated and they feel burned out in this industry in the home care industry. It’s easy to feel isolated, because, you know, you’re getting assigned to these clients as caregivers, and you’re just on your own. You’re not in a team. Dynamic and caregivers are not necessarily all extroverts, but they are people who like to connect with other humans, and they’re getting to do that on a one to one basis there with the clients.

00:04:51.390 –> 00:05:11.890
Courtney McCormick: But really, how much opportunity are they having to connect with the team of other caregivers with other like minded individuals, to be inspired, to be encouraged to get connected with other people. If they don’t have that, they’re gonna lead to burnout, lead to isolation so quickly. And then, in response to that, we’re gonna lose them.

00:05:11.930 –> 00:05:34.570
Courtney McCormick: And what we’re seeing the data showing us is that we’re losing them to the big box chains. So think Walmart, target the people that can offer them. You know a lot of hours and benefits, maybe. And you know, they just can go in and do these shifts where they’re hanging out with a lot of other people. Allen. What would you have to add to that

00:05:35.150 –> 00:05:57.500
Allan Levine: I think overall. It’s about uplifting the the the the industry as a whole, and starting to treat caregivers like we treat other employees creating that culture, creating those initiatives, ensuring that they feel part of a community. So just really adding on to what you were talking about. And I think we need to as an industry shift.

00:05:57.600 –> 00:06:11.939
Allan Levine: How we we do this on a day to day basis. It’s very easy to talk about culture. It’s very easy to to to show solutions about it. But then, how do you actually enact that and make it happen and have an impact on your industry, on your on your agency as a whole.

00:06:11.940 –> 00:06:32.260
Allan Levine: So you’ll see when we start to talk about a few of these different things, how that can directly impact retention. And there’s also things that you can do that that don’t necessarily impact retention, one to one. But on the whole, you’re you’re lifting up everybody and creating a better culture, which will then in turn ensure that people are more likely to stay with you.

00:06:32.280 –> 00:06:40.900
Courtney McCormick: Absolutely. I totally agree. So what we’re gonna be looking at today is, you know, a combination of here’s a specific thing you can do.

00:06:40.930 –> 00:06:44.829
Courtney McCormick: and a mindset shift, I would say it’s both. And

00:06:44.990 –> 00:07:09.900
Courtney McCormick: so let’s dive into what are some of the solutions? And you know, one of the first things that we’re always looking at is is it a pay increase? Well, I mean, who could really afford that right now, when we look at margins when we’re looking at your you know what your cash flow is looking like with trying to get these checks to come in from clients so you can pay your caregivers. That’s hard, is it? Benefits

00:07:09.900 –> 00:07:26.029
Courtney McCormick: offering pay time off. I’m I’m seeing a lot of chatter between you guys? On different groups. Of what benefits can you offer what you know? Thinking outside of the box from typical Pto, typical health insurance coverage and that sort of thing.

00:07:26.450 –> 00:07:45.299
Courtney McCormick: Has it come to pizza parties? Are we doing, you know, that can be helpful in some cultures and with some people to do these kind of company rewards. But you know, I think that where we need to start thinking is a little bit more high level.

00:07:45.320 –> 00:08:11.299
Courtney McCormick: Then the pizza parties and the elementary school type benefits and rewards, although hear me say that getting people together in social events with their workplace. There is a lot of data around that can be very, very successful and very cost effective for an agency. But I think we need to start thinking a little bit more high level. So we believe it’s creating a culture of support

00:08:11.440 –> 00:08:12.780
Courtney McCormick: and development

00:08:12.830 –> 00:08:16.480
Courtney McCormick: where caregivers feel seen, mentored.

00:08:16.550 –> 00:08:45.420
Courtney McCormick: developed in their career and then fulfilled. So it’s these, these elements of feeling seen that they’re not just off on their own. They’re feeling mentored by other caregivers. By you. The the agency leader, owner, operator. They’re feeling developed in their career. And they’re moving up a career ladder. Those things will lead to job fulfillment. Their happiness with your agency specifically

00:08:45.650 –> 00:08:57.640
Courtney McCormick: and longer shelf life there less turnover, Alan, what would you say about that? Do you have any stats that you’ve seen in in regards to that

00:08:58.320 –> 00:09:30.309
Allan Levine: customer or customers. Caregivers are more likely to stay if you’re investing in their career. You know some stats that we’ve seen, it’s like something like 94 of caregivers are more likely to stay. So sorry. 94% of employees are more likely to stay if you’re investing in their learning and development. If they feel like they’re part of it. If they feel like like you’re showing that initiative. It’s not just a job you’re you’re showing me those career ladders. You’re giving me. The, you know, leadership or skill development. They’re they’re way more likely to stay with you over the long term.

00:09:30.310 –> 00:09:41.460
Allan Levine: and one of the tertiary benefits that we see that you’ll hear me talk a lot about today is that also leads to referrals and referrals is the least expensive and almost the highest retention.

00:09:41.460 –> 00:10:00.439
Allan Levine: Type of caregiver that you can bring into your organization when your friend says you know, hey, come, join me. It’s a great place to work you. You’re you’re you’re they’re creating their own little sub community or sub community within their own, with the big community. And and that is a huge part of this as well.

00:10:00.440 –> 00:10:17.350
Allan Levine: Is, how do you get more people into the door? And that’s one of the benefits for sure, but investing in in their career development, providing them some hand holding or mentorship when they start to work, or if they, if you feel that they need it really leads to skill development. And and higher retention for sure

00:10:17.660 –> 00:10:40.959
Courtney McCormick: absolutely. So when we’re talking about that I want to dive more into that what you’re saying. So when we’re talking about that skill development, we’re talking about feeling mentored and feeling seen. Let’s look at some things that we can offer. Sovana, no, specifically has a mentorship program. This is something that I’ve learned about within the last.

00:10:40.960 –> 00:10:55.360
Courtney McCormick: I don’t know. A few months this year, sometime 2023. And I think is a brilliant idea for home care agencies. This is a mentorship program. That is just

00:10:55.820 –> 00:11:13.660
Courtney McCormick: I mean, it’s just going to change the way that caregivers work? And gonna really, really impact that caregiver retention. So what is Navon’s mentorship program? How does it work? Alan.

00:11:13.660 –> 00:11:43.400
Allan Levine: you can access our content, mobile web we we support in class learning as well. So wherever content is accessible, this program can be delivered. The idea here is is it’s a out of the box solution where we train you how to be a mentor. We train somebody how to run it within an organization like we call them the mentor manager, and then we give you the tool kit and the exercises, and the know how on how to run this over a fixed period of time, and typically

00:11:43.400 –> 00:12:01.180
Allan Levine: a Mentor Mentee relationship would run the first 60 days of their hire so new hire comes in the door, and you’re gonna partner them with a with an experienced caregiver right away. That would be the mentor. And they’re gonna work together over that first 60 days. The time commitment is limited.

00:12:01.180 –> 00:12:22.909
Allan Levine: It’s, it’s, you know, 10 to 15 min a week that they’re gonna meet on the phone. We give you the exercises on, on what to ask and make sure that they’re communicating regularly. And we provide all the training. And you know most people are accessing it on their phone right away. You know, anytime anywhere? And they do the training that’s necessary. What we’re seeing

00:12:22.910 –> 00:12:23.990
Allan Levine: is

00:12:24.220 –> 00:12:44.660
Allan Levine: that you know, the industry stats are about 60% retention right now. Some people have it a little bit higher. But let’s assume it’s still 60% retention. We. We did a pilot with 6 agencies in New York, a few years ago, and we saw up to an 89% retention rate in those first 60 days of hire. That’s a huge jump.

00:12:44.870 –> 00:13:10.140
Allan Levine: The cost to rehire. It’s 2,500 bucks a person. So if you can retain them and get them through that most important period of time. It’s a huge win, and then it. You know, it creates these leadership opportunities. It creates that culture of accountability. It’s very team centric like you said before, that’s no longer one to one. You’re now part of a community. You know. Job, satisfaction goes up

00:13:10.140 –> 00:13:22.670
Allan Levine: and you start to have all of these other things happen. And there was one story that came out when we ran this pilot a few years ago, which was this caregiver had never dealt with death before.

00:13:22.950 –> 00:13:26.730
and on her first week on the job somebody had passed away.

00:13:26.980 –> 00:13:55.660
Allan Levine: and she was the the mentee that this caregiver was the Mentee, and she met with her mentor and reported that back and communicated that back. Hey, I’m having a really hard time here. My my client passed away. What do I do? The mentor reported that back to their mentor manager following the process. And what ultimately happened is the agency put in a bereavement program. So now from one caregiver giving some feedback. Now, everybody is benefiting. And they they take a step back. And they’re like, Wow, this agency really cares about me

00:13:55.700 –> 00:14:23.719
Allan Levine: this agency is really wants to invest in our time. What a what a great way! Let me tell you what else I’m thinking. And you have that that culture of communication that starts so it. The benefits are are substantial to this thing. We. There’s different ways. You can roll it out. There’s a lot of grant money that that we’ve been working with in in the State in New England, for example. We partner with one of the State associations, and we want a substantial grant, and we were able to roll it out

00:14:23.720 –> 00:14:43.570
Allan Levine: to 25 agencies there that are now running with it. So it’s there’s many different ways to skin the cat here. But ultimately mentorship program leads to higher retention. And then you start to have all of these other benefits. Like higher job satisfaction referrals, leadership skills, culture, feedback loops. All of this good stuff starts to happen.

00:14:43.850 –> 00:14:51.280
Courtney McCormick: Yeah, absolutely. So let me get this straight. So let me do what I hear you say is that

00:14:51.290 –> 00:15:15.560
Courtney McCormick: Devon’s mentorship program is you will provide everything needed a whole system for an agency, no matter the size, even if it’s a small agency, or if it’s a huge agency to say these are my experienced caregivers who I want to replicate them. We all have a few of those. Maybe we only have one, maybe we have 3, and we say I would love everybody to be a sally.

00:15:15.650 –> 00:15:30.650
Courtney McCormick: This is my best caregiver, so that caregiver is going to be my mentor and that Mentor might have. I don’t know a couple different people that they’re that they that they mentor, they have a couple of different Mentees for the first

00:15:30.680 –> 00:15:57.249
Courtney McCormick: 60 days that they’re on the job. Is that right? Okay? And so they are going to mentor them. And you don’t have to come up as within as an agency with. This is what you ask them. This is when you check in. This is what you talk about. Navon just gives that to the agency with this mentorship program and says, You know, meeting number one, which can be a phone call or in person or zoom. Is that right?

00:15:57.250 –> 00:16:25.629
Allan Levine: Correct? Yeah. And we provide, you know, all the call logs that you that you should be filling out. We give you some exercises to potentially do around communication. A big part of the mentorship program as well, is learning to take care of yourself before you take care of others. You know the whole mental health, aspect, part of it as well, cause that’s a huge part of of everything that’s going on and back to some of the burnout that’s happening is is part of it is mental health, too.

00:16:25.630 –> 00:16:34.099
Allan Levine: So we teach the mentor how to do that. And it’s pretty much right out of the box, and it’s it’s

00:16:34.360 –> 00:16:57.090
Allan Levine: pretty easy to run for the most part, I mean it’s listen you you have to have buy in at the top level in order for this to work. So the mentor manager has to own it. It’s not something that you just push, play on a on a on your training, and you’re gonna know everything like you have to be bought in and follow the process that we give you, and then you can kind of tailor it to your own little way that you want to do it over time once you’re comfortable with it.

00:16:57.200 –> 00:17:17.740
Courtney McCormick: Yeah, I think that’s amazing. II mean, I just see so many benefits of this. I see not only the caregiver retention, which is why we’re here today, but equal to that, if not even better, is the quality of care I know for myself as a department leader for the last, you know. Decade, I’ve

00:17:17.740 –> 00:17:41.289
Courtney McCormick: I’ve seen, you know, running a division running an organization, I’ve said, oh, I just wish I had. All of my employees were just like this one. If I could just clone this one person, man, my agency would just be, you know, 5 stars. We would just Skyrocket. And I can see that this that’s what this would do. You could just help create, you know.

00:17:41.290 –> 00:18:05.269
Courtney McCormick: Maybe not carbon copies, but you could just like inject the DNA of your best caregivers into other people, helping them train them and guide them along the way. So I think that’s phenomenal. If you guys have questions about how this works, please drop them in the QA. Box, so we can get to them at the end. Cause. I know when Alan first

00:18:05.330 –> 00:18:08.870
Courtney McCormick: laid this out to me I had a lot of questions for him, so

00:18:09.050 –> 00:18:14.629
Courtney McCormick: please lay those out there. So let’s look at Alan. You know.

00:18:14.810 –> 00:18:29.389
Courtney McCormick: what like, you know, a investment would be with the mentorship program, and and how much you’re really gaining in that investment. Yeah. So in addition to, you know, as high as 89 retention that we’ve seen

00:18:29.410 –> 00:18:41.460
Allan Levine: it does impact retention. So dollars and cents wise. It’s it’s actually very straightforward. And and this is just a pure sample of one of our customers. How do they were hiring 100 caregivers every year.

00:18:41.650 –> 00:19:09.900
Allan Levine: You know Mac has a number as this Phi, that it’s about 25, close to 2,500 to replace every caregiver in in a city that can go as high as 3,800, I think. But let’s just use 2,500 if you increase your retention from 60 to 80. You’re cutting, you’re cutting your hiring in half. So you’re going from replacing 40 caregivers a year to 20 caregivers a year and from an Roi perspective. You’re saving 50,000.

00:19:09.900 –> 00:19:12.480
Allan Levine: It’s it’s it’s a big number.

00:19:12.590 –> 00:19:39.480
Allan Levine: When you start to look at it that way, the cost to roll out. A mentorship program like ours is pennies on the dollar to the 50,000. It’s not an expensive solution. You, we not training everybody. We’re only training a small subset of your of your caregivers. So your return is is huge. And now you know, you’re creating this flywheel internally within your organization, that that it’s a great hiring experience.

00:19:39.480 –> 00:19:52.110
Allan Levine: Now, what ends up happening is those mentees turn into mentors as well. So you’re you’re really starting to enable and roll that cultural part of your of your agency. And frankly, you’ve saved a lot of money.

00:19:52.490 –> 00:20:09.809
Courtney McCormick: Amazing. Okay, this was great. We’re gonna show you guys how to get involved with this mentorship program. But we want to give you a lot more content. And the time we have left of ways to actually retain your caregiver. So let’s keep moving along. Another

00:20:09.810 –> 00:20:25.549
Courtney McCormick: different technique that we’re looking at is a hybrid model of in person and digital training. So you know, before, pre covid days we are talking to a lot of agencies who all of their training was in person.

00:20:25.790 –> 00:20:26.980
Courtney McCormick: Covid hit

00:20:27.130 –> 00:20:48.009
Courtney McCormick: everything was digital everything was just read this, and, you know, get back to us. Take a test or put a little thing in some, you know, little quiz, lit, or something very basic and training kind of suffered and the amount of training that was getting done and the quality of training.

00:20:48.010 –> 00:21:05.290
Courtney McCormick: And you know, now, we’re looking these days at what is the best approach. And it’s a quality digital training with hybrid, with the in person training. And it’s going to lead to culture development. When you have that in person training.

00:21:05.420 –> 00:21:35.109
Courtney McCormick: And Alan, I wanna get your views on that, too. But for the sake of time go ahead and talk about the same time offering a career ladder for your caregivers and skill development. And these 2 things is what’s gonna keep you away from that revolving door of caregivers. So if you could offer us, you know what you’ve seen with in offering this hybrid model, and what is a career ladder. How do we do this?

00:21:35.110 –> 00:21:36.030
Allan Levine: No worries.

00:21:36.030 –> 00:22:00.039
Allan Levine: Okay. So our most successful agencies, the ones that are doing best with retention are the ones that are going above and beyond what’s what’s minimally required. So when I say that, I mean something like compliance training. So we have agencies that are upscaling their caregivers on things like dementia. So putting them through, we’ve got something like 10 and a half hours of advanced dementia training. If that’s what you want to choose

00:22:00.040 –> 00:22:08.000
Allan Levine: this up providing that upscaling opportunity. Shows the caregiver what their career could become.

00:22:08.000 –> 00:22:30.950
Allan Levine: So now they might be able to charge more for that caregiver that caregivers. Now a dementia specialist. As an example, we have some of our agencies that are rolling their their, their better trained caregivers out like that. There’s opportunities where, from a career ladder standpoint back to the mentorship program, where the mentee becomes the mentor. And that’s a career ladder giving them more responsibilities through

00:22:30.950 –> 00:22:38.450
Allan Levine: training is where our agencies are winning, winning the most here from a hybrid model perspective.

00:22:38.530 –> 00:22:59.499
Allan Levine: You know you you you hit it. Set it very well, Pre covid digital training was just slowly being adopted. Covid was the accelerant. Everybody started to adopt it. And now we’re in a situation where our better customers are are saying to us, Hey, we want to see our people. We want to bring them in every quarter, and we want to do things like celebrate them. We wanna have.

00:22:59.510 –> 00:23:07.249
Allan Levine: quarterly celebration caregiver of the month, all of these programs that tie back into those cultural elements. But we also want to train them on something.

00:23:07.260 –> 00:23:26.139
Allan Levine: So we’ve now rolled out on our platform now supports both hybrid or sorry, both online and in class, or the or the buzzwords or synchronous and asynchronous learning. So you’re in a position where you can. You know the the one use case where our customers are using this is they? A new buyer comes in?

00:23:26.160 –> 00:23:39.039
Allan Levine: They do orientation training face to face, using our platform. So all of the contents delivered through our platform. It can be their content. It can be our content when they leave, they leave with some assigned training on their phone.

00:23:39.040 –> 00:24:04.260
Allan Levine: So now they’re going away, leaving the office at the end of that first day, and they have training assigned on their phone that they have to do. They might come back the next day and get tested on it. They might do a test on the phone. That might be 2 months from now, but they’re be able to support the caregiver. Give them the training track to make sure that it’s done, and when they see them the next time, then they can start to layer on to that, or they can just push the training out to them directly into the

00:24:04.730 –> 00:24:08.219
the workforce. So it’s really providing this element of

00:24:08.330 –> 00:24:31.799
Allan Levine: training anytime anywhere. But also providing elements that if they wanna upskill themselves they can see potentially where they might land in the future with a you know Hha to Cna as an example, or Hha to a Senior Hha or Hha to a dementia specialized. Hha, whatever that agency is looking at.

00:24:31.800 –> 00:24:49.070
Courtney McCormick: Yeah. And I see, too, you know, this is getting into one of the questions we had submitted ahead of time, which was about recruitment, which goes a little bit off of what we’re talking about today. But advertising in re in your recruitment. You know your job ads

00:24:49.070 –> 00:25:03.420
Courtney McCormick: your career ladder of you know, this is what we’re hiring for, and this is room for growth. And this is the career ladder. And you know this is how it would go. Is a really great way to attract more caregivers.

00:25:03.490 –> 00:25:04.519
Allan Levine: No, for sure.

00:25:04.540 –> 00:25:21.580
Courtney McCormick: Great. So here’s some additional practical tips to help your caregivers feel supported, connected, and content. I would say, my number one piece that I always harp on is communication. You know there are some

00:25:21.580 –> 00:25:33.770
Courtney McCormick: really great ways to communicate with your caregivers that we’ve made it easy inside of access care if you’re an access care user you have the chat feature within your app.

00:25:33.770 –> 00:25:52.909
Courtney McCormick: So the caregivers on their mobile app. You’re inside of access care, and you can chat directly with your caregiver and make them feel like they really know what’s going on. They have all the information they need about the client that they’re seeing today about their schedule. You can even communicate with them and encouragement.

00:25:52.910 –> 00:26:22.660
Courtney McCormick: Something that you appreciate about them anything that you want to make them feel like they know what’s going on. They are part of your team. They’re in the loop. And our chat is also hipaa compliant. So it’s not going to an SMS text message which is so important. You guys to not have it go to a text message to their personal phone. It needs to be a hipaa compliant solution inside of the mobile app there.

00:26:22.660 –> 00:26:28.439
Another thing is so a feature that access here has called preferred weekly hours. Now

00:26:28.650 –> 00:26:56.080
Courtney McCormick: think of this. If you’re not access care user what you want to tailor that the big box chains that they’re leaving us for can offer is giving them the exact amount of hours they want every week. So every single caregiver that you have, can tell you. Hey? I want 20 HA week, and this one wants 25, and this one wants 40, and this one wants 32, you can put in their profile and access care exact

00:26:56.080 –> 00:27:00.129
exactly how many hours each caregiver prefers to work every week.

00:27:00.130 –> 00:27:19.569
Courtney McCormick: And then, as you’re making the schedule. It’s gonna tell you how many hours of their preferred number you’ve scheduled them for. You can run reports of what percentage you’re getting to, how close you’re getting to their preferred weekly hours. And this is really gonna increase your caregiver satisfaction if you are getting

00:27:19.570 –> 00:27:34.510
Courtney McCormick: the right number of hours every week to what you prefer as opposed to what your agency prefers. Then you’re really gonna be more satisfied with your job. It’s gonna fit into your life best, and they can always update it.

00:27:34.510 –> 00:27:41.210
Courtney McCormick: Communicate. Step one, hey? It’s 20 h still good for you. We’d love to give you more if you’d like them. Just let me know.

00:27:41.250 –> 00:27:53.779
Courtney McCormick: Caregiver satisfaction surveys. So this is something new inside of axis care that we’ve just recently launched. You can send caregiver satisfaction surveys to your caregivers.

00:27:53.780 –> 00:28:17.869
Courtney McCormick: And we’re gonna go ahead and launch a poll here. If you are interested in learning about any of these 3. Click. Yes, right there. If you’re interested in learning more about access care. And you’re not a access care user. That’s really what this is. So the caregiver satisfaction surveys are a way for you to say, hey! How are we doing? To get a a pulse on?

00:28:17.970 –> 00:28:44.340
Courtney McCormick: Are our caregivers happy right now or not? What? What’s our you know, some people call an Nps a Csat, a customer satisfaction survey and this is a caregiver satisfaction survey. So you really have data to say instead of just, you know, sometimes, caregivers will not tell the boss how happy they really are face to face, but they will fill out a survey right there when you’re not face to face with them.

00:28:44.620 –> 00:28:55.319
Courtney McCormick: I believe also, Alan, that there are some surveys within Yvonne as well. You guys have a 365 day view survey. What is that all about?

00:28:55.380 –> 00:29:06.759
Allan Levine: Yeah. So so in addition to being a training platform, we also serve a caregiver service similar to what you were talking about. And what this example here is is this is one of our customers. And what

00:29:06.760 –> 00:29:34.079
Allan Levine: 365 days looks like for a caregiver for a new hire. And this is all automated. So so don’t look at this and think that this is very overwhelming. I have to do this all manually. Everything is automated within our system. But the idea here is is during initiation, when it’s new hire when somebody’s hired. You’re checking in with them daily. You’re giving them that positive onboarding experience. You might do some orientation training with what you will do orientation training with them.

00:29:34.080 –> 00:29:55.650
Allan Levine: Then you you you assign the mentorship program. So now your your check ins may be with them are weekly and you’re you’re giving that feeling of value. You know, at the end of 60 days you’re gonna survey them on. How was your onboarding experience? How was your mentorship experience getting that feedback so always constantly make yourself better. And then when you go into that stage 3,

00:29:55.650 –> 00:30:13.049
Allan Levine: you know, this is about this is where the retention work really starts. You’re checking in with them, maybe Bi, weekly or monthly, but you’re asking them and assigning them additional training from a cultural stuff from an upscaling perspective. You’re how likely are you to refer a friend? Will the people that say yes? Why don’t you ask them for a referral

00:30:13.050 –> 00:30:26.620
Allan Levine: training feedback. What did you like? What didn’t you like? So the next person can have the benefit of some of that feedback? And and again, it creates that flywheel of constant feedback, and making the system better for the net for themselves and also for the next person

00:30:27.390 –> 00:30:28.490
Courtney McCormick: I love that

00:30:29.000 –> 00:30:36.739
Courtney McCormick: so we’re let’s launch another poll here. If you guys are interested in learning more about Nvon.

00:30:37.140 –> 00:31:00.570
Courtney McCormick: just click. Yes, there, if you’d be interested in the Navon platform like I mentioned earlier, Navon is integrated with access care. If you’re an access care user, we do have an integration that pushes in from like all your caregiver profiles from access care to Nvon. So you don’t have to reset up all their information inside there. It just creates them every time you create a new caregiver and access care boop, they’re in Navon right there.

00:31:00.970 –> 00:31:04.230
So let’s review here everything we’ve talked about.

00:31:04.440 –> 00:31:06.429
Courtney McCormick: So mentorship.

00:31:06.520 –> 00:31:24.959
Courtney McCormick: This is an amazing program that when you’re in Thevon user this is an option for you that you can roll out the Nevon mentorship program assigning your best caregivers as mentors, with new onboarding caregivers to kind of just instill that DNA of the kind of caregiver you want to replicate

00:31:25.430 –> 00:31:49.409
Courtney McCormick: training with a hybrid model that in person and digital together. To really get that value. I love Navon’s platform. We we really haven’t even talked about that. It’s so gamified. It makes the caregiver feel like they’re playing a game on their cell phone. It’s so much fun to do caregiver training. It’s not just reading a Pdf. And taking a test

00:31:49.410 –> 00:32:14.190
Courtney McCormick: or a quiz. It’s so much fun to do the training with Navon. I absolutely love it. Communication. We want to communicate excessively with our caregivers and make sure they feel included in the loop. And finally feedback. We want to get feedback from our caregivers keep a pulse on how they’re doing.

00:32:14.190 –> 00:32:40.510
Courtney McCormick: and then learn where we can improve and where we need to grow. As we mentioned throughout this making changes, you know, Alan, you shared that story at the very beginning, about from the mentorship program, that agency creating the bereavement program for everybody. They received feedback through the mentorship program started something that benefited everybody and that makes everyone feel like, Wow! My voice is

00:32:40.510 –> 00:32:50.260
Courtney McCormick: valued. It’s heard, I feel seen. I feel like I’m really a part of this team. I’m not just somebody that they’re using, you know, to meet a need of theirs.

00:32:50.470 –> 00:32:56.009
Courtney McCormick: So this is, some really great practicals and big pictures.

00:32:56.010 –> 00:33:20.959
Courtney McCormick: Let’s dive into some. QA. We have about 10 min left here. If you guys want more information on getting started with the von or if you’re not an access care user yet, you can go to to to get signed up with access care. If you are an access care user and you want more information on getting started with Nevon, send an email to integrations at accesscare dot

00:33:20.960 –> 00:33:23.070
dot com. That’s on your screen right there.

00:33:23.260 –> 00:33:47.880
Courtney McCormick: So we have quite a few questions. Alan, come in ahead of time. And also during our presentation today. So the first is this is about access care’s preferred weekly hours. Can it prevent caregivers from exceeding 40 HA week, or send a warning notification. It turns red when you’re getting. If you have their preferred weekly hours set to 40,

00:33:47.880 –> 00:34:05.649
Courtney McCormick: it turns red when you’re getting there. You’ll like, see this red circle around their preferred weekly hours, as you’re making the schedule, and then you’re able to run reports as well there, Lisa. Allen, Charles asks, does your training meet the needs of Minnesota? 2 45 d. Licensing?

00:34:06.480 –> 00:34:23.580
Allan Levine: We have a full compliance team. That’s responsibility is to make sure that our training. It meets every state’s needs. So I can. I’m I’m not too familiar with 2, 4, 5 d. I’m assuming it’s going to be a waiver program just based on how it’s named. So I can tell you this, we have a lot of customers in Minnesota

00:34:23.630 –> 00:34:29.790
Allan Levine: doing, using us for both compliance, training and waiver training programs. Plus additional

00:34:29.900 –> 00:34:41.969
Allan Levine: training programs as well. Happy to to kind of look into that little bit further for you, Charles, and and get you an exact answer. Also, I’ll throw it out there. I don’t know if you’re going to the Minnesota Homecare Show, but I’ll be there

00:34:42.230 –> 00:34:47.719
Allan Levine: busy point. So if you are certainly happy to meet you and talk to you, live about it as well.

00:34:48.280 –> 00:34:56.429
Courtney McCormick: That would be awesome. Charles. Put that in the QA. Box, and let us know. Or you can send an email to that email address. And I’ll get you in touch with Allen.

00:34:56.640 –> 00:35:22.100
Courtney McCormick: Yeah. So you know, someone mentioned this is an access care user. Who? I know that caregivers can’t don’t update their preferred weekly hours on their own you know, they have to go through you guys to do that. And you know, that is strategic. Actually, that is so that you are communicating with them. It’s not something that they’re just like automatically updating by themselves, because it’s something that really needs your approval

00:35:22.100 –> 00:35:47.090
Courtney McCormick: so that their preferred weekly hours one week is 0 or 5, and they’re not just constantly changing it. So I want one. No hours this week and 40 h this week and 2 h this week. That’s something that really, you know, this is taking some high level communication when it’s preferred. Weekly hours is taking management on your side. So that is an on purpose feature there. That they have to go through

00:35:47.090 –> 00:36:00.960
Courtney McCormick: through the agency to update their preferred weekly hours. And yes, it might change often how many they want every week. But that’s part of that like communication piece with caregiver retention there.

00:36:00.990 –> 00:36:05.709
Is Navon integrated through access, care or completely separate.

00:36:06.040 –> 00:36:10.550
Courtney McCormick: It is integrated. Alan, do you have anything? I’ve talked a little bit about that. Do you have anything to add to that?

00:36:10.600 –> 00:36:26.699
Allan Levine: Fully integrated it. It’s what that leads to for you guys is administrative efficiencies, operational excellence, whatever buzzword you wanna throw behind it. Ultimately, we could save you time and money with an integration automate your training assignments. There’s there’s a lot of

00:36:26.840 –> 00:36:39.180
Allan Levine: really cool functionality that we can do between our 2 systems. That ultimately saves you time and money and gives your caregivers an amazing experience. We’re always working on making the integration better.

00:36:39.210 –> 00:36:52.110
Allan Levine: So we’ll have some new stuff coming down the the product roadmap soon. So it’s it’s it’s it’s one of our better integrations and definitely the easiest to to turn on. That’s for sure.

00:36:52.380 –> 00:37:06.490
Courtney McCormick: Another question that came in. I’m gonna try to just rapid fire in the next 7 min. As many as we can get to. What are caregivers looking for in this new era? I would say. When it comes to training, I would say they’re looking for

00:37:06.490 –> 00:37:31.429
Courtney McCormick: modern training. They can do on their cell phone, not reading a paper Pdf, and having to come in for every single thing and write everything out by hand. So that’s what Navon offers you. I would also say they’re looking for career ladders and development. One thing that I think is so important that you can offer is you can, you know.

00:37:31.430 –> 00:37:36.330
So, Alan? How many courses do you guys have available in Yvonne? Do you know off the top of your head.

00:37:36.870 –> 00:37:38.400
Allan Levine: We have

00:37:38.980 –> 00:37:53.709
Allan Levine: hundreds of hours of content translated into 9 different languages. So there we’ve yet to bump into a road where we don’t have what you’re looking for. So we started as a compliance training platform. And we’ve grown into

00:37:54.150 –> 00:38:01.590
Allan Levine: you know, taking it, we have value based payments training. We have mentorship training. We have advanced dementia training like there’s

00:38:01.710 –> 00:38:28.299
Allan Levine: and there’s nothing yet that we that we don’t have, that you’re gonna be looking for. And if you are looking for it, and we don’t have it, we’ll go make it. Another side of it is you know. Sometimes you might have something that’s unique to your agency policies and procedures something that’s specific to you. Maybe your coo or your own or operator wants to record a welcome message. We can also put that into our platform for you as well. So to really give that personalized experience for the caregiver.

00:38:28.320 –> 00:38:51.679
Courtney McCormick: Right? And I think that that’s what they’re looking for, and they’re also looking for, you know. If you get certified to be a certified dementia care provider, you know you get a bump in your pay. It’s an extra dollar an hour in your pay, and then your agency gets to advertise that we have certified, you know, specially trained dementia care providers.

00:38:51.760 –> 00:39:20.610
Courtney McCormick: And then they’ve taken the special training. And they’re looking for that career development like that. They’re also looking for benefits. And part of those benefits is having that career ladder having that development. There are some other unique benefits that you guys can offer that are free to you. I would say, like, you know, same day pay which access care offers to you guys. Through integrations that

00:39:20.780 –> 00:39:37.769
Courtney McCormick: it’s totally free to you. You do no work and you pay nothing, and you can offer same day. Pay doesn’t have to be through your payroll, company, or anything. Any any access care user can have access to that and there are other ways to get creative with benefits that you guys can offer. I think that’s what they’re looking for?

00:39:38.620 –> 00:39:50.670
Courtney McCormick: Let’s see here what other? We have so many good questions. How can we approach caregivers about a no call, no show policy, and make it effective.

00:39:50.910 –> 00:39:55.940
Courtney McCormick: I don’t know. really.

00:39:56.160 –> 00:40:08.460
Courtney McCormick: if anyone has any thoughts on this, you can put it in the QA. And we’ll see it. But when it comes to this you have to put your money where your mouth is, and

00:40:08.730 –> 00:40:12.310
Courtney McCormick: I guess there has to be consequences if they no call no show.

00:40:12.610 –> 00:40:14.910
Courtney McCormick: and it has to be, you know.

00:40:15.530 –> 00:40:28.270
Courtney McCormick: some sort of suspension or termination, or something, so that other caregiver see that this is what happens, and that you enact it, but from what I hear, most agencies are unable to afford

00:40:28.720 –> 00:40:37.059
Courtney McCormick: suspending or terminating caregivers, so I don’t know if anyone has anything more creative that they can add to that.

00:40:37.200 –> 00:40:41.999
Courtney McCormick: I don’t know a great answer for that. I’m so sorry. Do you have anything, Alan?

00:40:42.610 –> 00:40:59.070
Allan Levine: I think it comes down to just having policies and procedures where we see our agencies more successful with with, you know, specific items like that is is setting the tone upfront mentorship plays a part of it as well just not to keep coming back to that. But if if

00:40:59.250 –> 00:41:24.079
Allan Levine: they’re not showing up for shifts and they’re working with a mentor. The mentor can also talk to them about the consequences of it. One thing we enacted during one of our mentorship programs is, we had a few caregivers that were struggling to complete compliance training. So we put that in, we layered that into the mentorship program for that specific agency. So when the Mentor and the Menti were meeting on a weekly basis, they were talking about, hey? Did you get your compliance training done?

00:41:24.080 –> 00:41:37.159
Allan Levine: So from a no show perspective. Same thing like, why aren’t you showing up? Maybe there’s a maybe there’s a reason why they’re not showing up that they’re just not sharing with you. So you can get to the root of it. If it’s not as simple as they’re just an app.

00:41:37.270 –> 00:41:43.039
Allan Levine: You might be. There might be a an underlying issue, though, that you might want to uncover absolutely.

00:41:43.240 –> 00:42:05.249
Courtney McCormick: We had a good question. How often should Coordinator should the coordinator see the client face to face for questions and concerns. Now this was before the webinar, so I think that the mentorship idea would kind of cover this the Coordinator. You know, the Mentor would take the place of the Coordinator and a during the mentorship. How often are they meeting with the person that they mentor

00:42:05.250 –> 00:42:19.399
Allan Levine: no more than once a week for about 15 min. There, there’s going to be another kind of an initial kick off meeting greet again, face to face. Zoom, cell phone. Whatever doesn’t. There’s no set and stone way to do it. There is one quick meeting a week

00:42:19.670 –> 00:42:46.580
Allan Levine: between the mentor and the Mentee, and then we encourage everybody to do a big celebration at the end, so that when we encourage to be done face to face, the mentor manager is trained on how to facilitate that session certificate celebrated those types of things. So call that once every 60 days, you know, bring you bring your people back into your office to see them and celebrate them once every 60 days. We have a celebration.

00:42:46.580 –> 00:42:54.270
Courtney McCormick: you know. Do we have a recommendation? For, you know, just check ins for questions or concerns that employees might have.

00:42:54.670 –> 00:42:59.770
Allan Levine: So what we’re actually noticing is the mentor mentee relationship continues

00:43:00.130 –> 00:43:28.319
Allan Levine: unofficially, they become friends, they’ve become colleagues. So they maintain those types of relationships. The mentor is meant to continue. They don’t always have to be a mentor. And that’s why you wanna have a few people that you can cycle in and out of the program from a mentor perspective. The Mentee, you know, once they’ve got a little bit more experience under their belt being a caregiver. Now you present them with an opportunity to become a mentor. And kind of bring them back into the loop.

00:43:28.390 –> 00:43:53.819
Allan Levine: And then, in addition to that, the celebrations bring them all in, or, if you can, if you obviously don’t take them away from your clients or patients, but bring as many people in because there’s no better experience than you know. I’ll the the new grads are graduating. II was last session. It was so great. Let’s see who’s who’s who’s there as well. So just again tying back to creating new relationships, communication and culture.

00:43:53.870 –> 00:43:54.999
Courtney McCormick: That’s great.

00:43:55.020 –> 00:44:21.679
Courtney McCormick: Well, to close this out. These last 2 questions are what we’ve been talking about the whole time. And what can I do to help motivate and keep up my caregiver spirits about their jobs. And then how do I sustain the caregivers? Loyalty? For a long term period, and both of these things is, you know what we’ve been covering? The answer to both of those questions is everything we’ve said over the last 30, 45 min.

00:44:21.680 –> 00:44:29.890
Courtney McCormick: We hope you guys have gotten a lot out of this session again. If you don’t use access, care, go to access care

00:44:29.890 –> 00:44:46.300
Allan Levine: if you do use access care. And you would like to start using Navan, you can go to integrate email integrations at access Carecom. Allen. Thanks so much for joining us today and for giving us all of this really valuable information. We really appreciate your time.

00:44:46.510 –> 00:44:48.429
Courtney McCormick: Thanks so much. You guys have a great day.

00:44:48.760 –> 00:44:50.509
Allan Levine: Take care. Guys, thank you.

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