axiscare home care software

EVV Webinar: Mississippi Approved Vendor Town Hall

Watch an informative webinar where AxisCare discusses the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements for Mississippi.

00:00:38.910 –> 00:00:49.250
Beau Daggett: Alright. Thank you to all the attendees that have been joining here. Just to leave this open a few more minutes while we allow for space for everyone to hop in as they’re clicking on the meeting. Link.

00:03:05.770 –> 00:03:30.069
Beau Daggett: Alright. Wonderful. Thank you. Everyone for taking time to hop in and do a little lunch and learn today. And my name is Bo and we also have Mark, who’s gonna be on the call. We’ll do some quick introductions here in a second, but just wanted to say Thank you so much for taking time again out of your day to see and meet about Mississippi ebb. Just briefly about access care. We are an Evv solution and over

00:03:30.070 –> 00:03:44.319
Beau Daggett: 40 different States, and we partner with agencies across all 50 and excited to share with you what we see in the State of Mississippi. We have our expert here, Mark Decker. So, Mark, I’ll let you introduce yourself, and and we’ll get started.

00:03:46.060 –> 00:03:52.009
Mark Decker: Awesome. Thanks, beau Yup, Mark Decker, Vp. Of product management here and access. Karen, I’d like to

00:03:52.210 –> 00:03:58.140
Mark Decker: echo what both said. We really appreciate. You guys taking the time today, and hope you get some great information out of this

00:03:59.890 –> 00:04:01.570
Beau Daggett: wonderful and

00:04:02.160 –> 00:04:30.700
Beau Daggett: yes, so I’ll just be kind of here learning along with you guys, I’ll be asking Mark specific questions, things like that, and we’ll also be taking questions from you all as you are going through and listening and and kind of seeing the slides. Once you guys, to be actively engaged feel free to ask questions, and there’s going to be space at the end of this call for some QA. And so want to go ahead and set the stage for that. So please don’t hesitate to participate and go ahead and ask questions.

00:04:32.890 –> 00:04:37.539
Beau Daggett: So Mark, I’ll let you kind of kick off the rest of what it what it is that we’ll be covering today.

00:04:37.640 –> 00:04:54.229
Mark Decker: Sure. We wanna take a few minutes and go over the requirements that are that are involved with. Why, Mississippi is having to do Evv, so we’ll spend a little bit of time just looking at the requirements. We’ll look at the plan and the timeline

00:04:54.230 –> 00:05:14.969
Mark Decker: and then after you get a good feel of of what the plan of the timeline is. We’ll jump into a discussion around solutions. We’ll use access, carriage flow. But it will be similar to whatever solution that you’re that you’re using to kind of give you the big steps and what’s involved and where the data goes,

00:05:14.970 –> 00:05:38.789
Mark Decker: just to just to give you a little bit of the undercovers. Look as far as the third party Vb. Solutions, or even what you you would be experiencing if you use the state provided solution. And then we’ll have that QA. As Bo mentioned. So again, we just encourage you to enter your questions as we go along using that QA. Button. And hopefully, we get to everybody’s questions at the end.

00:05:40.370 –> 00:06:08.420
Mark Decker: So let’s jump into the requirement side. This has been going on for years. So so the reason why we’re doing Edv is that cures act that actually mandated the use of electronic visit verification technology. Basically, the route is to get at the fraud issue. So so by using this technology, there’s

00:06:08.420 –> 00:06:24.670
Mark Decker: data that actually proves you where you say you were and and and gave the care that that your agency provided. So they’re trying to get get after that fraud and again, this has been in effect, since 2021,

00:06:24.670 –> 00:06:40.349
Mark Decker: but due to covid things, there’s there’s been delays in place. Where most States are now to the point where they are, they do have an even solution in place. So that’s where this all started.

00:06:41.840 –> 00:06:53.169
Mark Decker: for you guys in Mississippi, the current payers and programs that are involved is, is Mississippi Division Medicaid? So that Ms Md.

00:06:53.220 –> 00:07:01.150
Mark Decker: that is, that is the payer that’s on the current focus. So certainly another States might see some other Mcos involved. But

00:07:01.550 –> 00:07:07.069
Mark Decker: for you in Mississippi it is just the Mississippi Division Medicaid

00:07:07.130 –> 00:07:11.319
Mark Decker: the actual services which I know this is probably a little bit

00:07:11.810 –> 00:07:23.430
Mark Decker: small for you, but hopefully you can read it. This is the initial set of services in Mississippi that are requiring Evvvb data to be captured. So

00:07:23.490 –> 00:07:32.319
Mark Decker: you’ll see respite and personal care, services and attendant care services, adult companion, care supported living

00:07:32.360 –> 00:07:46.980
Mark Decker: and and home comparing the care. So so this is the list. So if you’re providing any of these services, you’re required to capture that ebb data and supply to the state.

00:07:47.430 –> 00:07:53.609
Mark Decker: and eventually that Evv data that is captured for these services will actually be used

00:07:53.850 –> 00:07:59.409
Mark Decker: to check against as your claims are being processed by.

00:07:59.480 –> 00:08:01.380
Mark Decker: Mississippi Medicaid.

00:08:03.260 –> 00:08:10.549
Mark Decker: So here’s the quick list. This list will grow over time. But this is the current list of services that require UV

00:08:11.670 –> 00:08:13.120
Mark Decker: in Mississippi.

00:08:15.630 –> 00:08:27.560
Mark Decker: So that’s the highest level and and the core information that you need to understand now that, hey, I’m an agency that is providing those services I’m required to

00:08:27.620 –> 00:08:31.709
Mark Decker: to capture the Cvv data and report it.

00:08:31.880 –> 00:08:38.719
Mark Decker: So the the plan and the timeline. So of course, the act went went into effect back in 2021,

00:08:39.730 –> 00:09:04.109
Mark Decker: considering kind of the shorter term. The the big milestones that you would have completed recently is the Mississippi providers. They had to choose between 2 options, and they asked you to get that document submitted by June thirtieth indicating your choice. The 2 big options were you could use that complimentary H exchange ev portal

00:09:04.740 –> 00:09:17.440
Mark Decker: to capture the DVD data and report it, or you could choose to use a third party ev enterprise solution that was approved and ready to go for the State.

00:09:17.660 –> 00:09:30.790
Mark Decker: So those were your 2 big options. I don’t know if there’s anybody on the call that’s still in the in the throws of making that decision. But but hopefully, you’ve made the decision at this point.

00:09:30.800 –> 00:09:41.300
Mark Decker: August first was when the new Evb solution went into effect and went live. So that’s the Hj exchange.

00:09:41.380 –> 00:09:46.379
Mark Decker: Ev aggregator was ready to start collecting data as of August first.

00:09:46.470 –> 00:09:54.920
Mark Decker: and the Medici system the primary key system was no longer active. So so today,

00:09:54.970 –> 00:10:05.470
Mark Decker: hopefully, you’re submitting UV data in some form or fashion to Hha exchange and you’re in compliance with the August first date.

00:10:05.640 –> 00:10:17.599
Mark Decker: but if you’re not, it’s not the end of the world. Because of the next bullet, which is you can continue to actually submit claims today.

00:10:17.650 –> 00:10:20.110
Mark Decker: Directly to mesa.

00:10:20.190 –> 00:10:23.339
Mark Decker: and they won’t be stopped in any way.

00:10:23.470 –> 00:10:39.150
Mark Decker: And an audit team is actually checking as those claims are being processed to see if Ebbv data exists for the visits. But again, if you’re if you’re not collecting UV data reporting ev data, you today will still be

00:10:39.200 –> 00:10:43.939
Mark Decker: able to be paid. But their plan is in November.

00:10:44.380 –> 00:10:53.679
Mark Decker: They’re going to require that claims must come through Hh. Exchange and have that Evvv data.

00:10:53.710 –> 00:10:54.870
Mark Decker: So

00:10:54.910 –> 00:11:07.949
Mark Decker: so you have until November. But, generally speaking, we would recommend that you get the decision made as quickly as possible and start submitting that data as quickly as possible.

00:11:08.020 –> 00:11:13.919
Mark Decker: So so that’s the high level from a from a timeline perspective. The choices that

00:11:13.990 –> 00:11:26.589
Mark Decker: either you have to make, or hopefully, you have made. And then the just know that until November you do have the ability to continue to submit claims as you do today.

00:11:29.660 –> 00:11:44.940
Mark Decker: So the sources of of information, are 2 fold. The main is the state website. They actually have a page dedicated to electronic visit verification. And that’s the link at the top of this

00:11:44.960 –> 00:11:56.360
Mark Decker: slide. They also have a dedicated email to answer. Ebbw related questions. Goes straight to the folks on the State side that that can hopefully get you answers quickly.

00:11:56.440 –> 00:12:14.019
Mark Decker: And the I, the State aggregator, H. Exchange also has a website dedicated to to Mississippi. and they also have a support portal available for you guys to enter requests as needed to Htt exchange

00:12:14.090 –> 00:12:17.550
Mark Decker: to get answers to your questions.

00:12:17.730 –> 00:12:25.139
Mark Decker: So so that’s the timeline and kind of those key contact points to to stay up to date.

00:12:25.150 –> 00:12:28.719
Mark Decker: What’s going on in the State and the aggregator.

00:12:32.370 –> 00:12:45.490
Mark Decker: the I wanted. Now we wanted to jump into saying, Okay, now you know what the timeline is. You know what the requirements are. what are the actual solutions look like. And a little bit of of how do they work?

00:12:45.650 –> 00:13:01.770
Mark Decker: So we’re gonna use? This slide. We’re just gonna start from the start from the top and kind of work our way down. So certainly you’re going to get your clients and your authorizations coming into the Hj exchange

00:13:02.190 –> 00:13:07.289
Mark Decker: the HEJ. Exchange system. And then, in whatever

00:13:07.350 –> 00:13:23.500
Mark Decker: system that you’re using, kind of the normal flow that you’re that you were probably doing even before all this started was, get your visit scheduled. Go out and actually have the clinician perform those visits

00:13:23.980 –> 00:13:48.830
Mark Decker: ideally using a mobile device that’s GPS enabled. So what’s going on is the key information that’s being collected that’s related to TV is location. Who the caregiver was who the client was. The service that was provided, and the dates and times for both clock in and clock out of your visit. So

00:13:49.560 –> 00:14:14.700
Mark Decker: the ideal, especially in Mississippi, is that you have everyone using a GPS enabled device to capture those Geo coordinates as you clock in and clock out. So that is the core of the Uvb information. So then you have that backup. That data collected. That proves you were where you said you were going to be. At the time of the visit.

00:14:15.220 –> 00:14:16.379
and that

00:14:16.470 –> 00:14:31.160
Mark Decker: hopefully, if the all solutions would provide this by no, here. And access here we do is all you doing is clocking in and clocking out like you normally, where would be? And behind the scenes we are collecting all that ebb data that you need to submit

00:14:31.350 –> 00:14:32.360
Mark Decker: to, the

00:14:32.590 –> 00:14:41.719
Mark Decker: to the state aggregator. So clock in clock out. Normally, we capture the Eb data that information comes back to the office.

00:14:42.370 –> 00:14:45.660
Mark Decker: So at this point,

00:14:45.740 –> 00:14:56.899
Mark Decker: hopefully, the the solution you’re using again, access care provides this gives you the opportunity to review the information collected and verify that everything looks good.

00:14:57.050 –> 00:15:17.269
Mark Decker: So in in the access care world. There’s physically as the quick verification of of the visit. For Hj. Exchange the State aggregated. They also want to see some of the invoice related information like invoice number and those kind of things. So after you verify the visit and create the invoice

00:15:17.300 –> 00:15:30.120
Mark Decker: What happens at that point is, you have enough all the information required to send to the aggregator. So so at this point, that’s where access care actually packages up all that information

00:15:30.230 –> 00:15:43.660
Mark Decker: sends it off to the the state aggregator, and it’ll that’ll happen within 15 min of you verifying the visit and creating invoice that goes off to the State aggregator.

00:15:43.790 –> 00:15:50.680
Mark Decker: We can. I will pause here because there there is the ability for

00:15:51.400 –> 00:16:01.140
Mark Decker: feedback from Hj. Exchange from that State aggregator to say, Hey, we got the visit. Everything looks good, or in some

00:16:01.170 –> 00:16:03.300
Mark Decker: relatively small instance

00:16:03.370 –> 00:16:23.110
Mark Decker: of cases there could be an error that’s generated where Hgj exchange ran into some sort of an issue with the data. And they will actually pass that information about what that error was. And we would display it, and hopefully, any third party solution would display it to you, so that you could quickly understand what the error was.

00:16:23.460 –> 00:16:33.349
Mark Decker: and address it, and then resubmit the information to hk exchange, after dealing with whatever the source of that error was.

00:16:33.480 –> 00:16:54.080
Mark Decker: So at that point the Htt. Exchange system. Once they’ve successfully gotten that UV data, they actually send claims once a day in the evening. To the payer. In this case, Mississippi division of Medicaid

00:16:54.520 –> 00:17:22.439
Mark Decker: with all of the visits that they receive during the day that did not have any sort of an issue. At that point the payer actually will get the claim. And during the processing of the claim we’ll actually check against that Ev data in the State aggregator to make sure that all the visits had eb data collected, and give it 2 thumbs up and make the payment

00:17:22.589 –> 00:17:26.760
Mark Decker: access care

00:17:27.280 –> 00:17:37.750
Mark Decker: as the payments come back from the payer through whatever mechanism you have usually, what we’ve seen in this case is, we can actually

00:17:38.000 –> 00:17:48.059
Mark Decker: get those remittance devices directly from Hj. Exchange and automatically apply those payments to the AR and access care so

00:17:49.320 –> 00:17:57.989
very efficient as far as getting those payments back and getting them applied, and that can be set up to just be done automatically, without any sort of intervention needed.

00:17:58.460 –> 00:18:09.579
Mark Decker: So hopefully, I gave you a little bit more detail about all the different steps. And where we click, even be data, how you get it to the aggregator, how that impacts

00:18:10.230 –> 00:18:23.299
Mark Decker: you getting paid basically so hopefully. Hopefully, that was clear. But if you had any questions again, just want to reiterate, just drop drop your questions into the QA. And we can come back to discuss more the details.

00:18:26.390 –> 00:18:42.470
Beau Daggett: Yeah, that just, you know. Thank you. Mark, for kind of walking through that. And just to kind of pull up pull our heads up out of some of the weeds there, so to speak, is, you know, okay? Great, that there’s all these, you know. We’re getting thrown a lot of different instructions as agency owners.

00:18:42.470 –> 00:19:06.990
Beau Daggett: We wanna make sure that we’re compliant. And ultimately we just wanna make sure we’re getting paid right. And so billing is your baby, and Mark and his team understand that. And so I also just wanna share with you on on a few slides earlier. He mentioned just the different models of of gathering ebb data. So one option is to kind of go with this state recommended. Solution is a recommended right quote there. But

00:19:06.990 –> 00:19:32.689
Beau Daggett: the the other option of that third party vendor not to access care isn’t so. I just want to, you know, kind of paint the picture of why agencies are getting referred to us, and what our onboarding team is running into most often as far as what’s making when it makes sense for them to go with someone like access care. So I’ll kind of be speaking in general terms. But I’ll I’m a little bit more familiar, let’s say, with y-axis care.

00:19:32.690 –> 00:19:56.050
Beau Daggett: is that that key? And a lot of it comes down to simplicity. A lot of these third party vendors. Their whole business model is based off of serving the agency as opposed to sometimes these State contracts. That’s a little more complicated. And there’s there’s more parties that play there, whereas with us we are designed, we we live and breathe, and and

00:19:56.450 –> 00:20:09.559
Beau Daggett: you know, to serve home care agencies. And a lot of that is what you guys are doing is serving clients. So Mary’s well there and then. Another big piece is just simplicity of use when it comes to

00:20:09.960 –> 00:20:36.340
Beau Daggett: our caregivers out in the field right? Like we gotta make sure it’s easy for them to use so that we can gather accurate data. And so a lot of agencies find themselves having to constantly support. Their caregivers are constantly making edits. I think a question came in about, you know what happens if a caregiver doesn’t gather the right data or forgets to clock in, forgets to clock out all these other. You know, scenarios create extra steps for our Admins.

00:20:36.340 –> 00:20:40.249
Beau Daggett: so we can get a system that’s easy to use one click simplicity

00:20:40.250 –> 00:20:59.180
Beau Daggett: making, taking the burden off our caregiver, but still gathering all the data that’s needed that Mark was talking about on those Ebbv integrations and all the data fields. If we can gather that from one click of a caregiver, let’s do that. And so agencies have been, you know, seeking out a solution that’s easy for their staff to use

00:20:59.180 –> 00:21:16.220
Beau Daggett: another piece. And this may not be relevant to everyone here on the call. But just the reality of Hey, we. We also have private payer. We do Va, and we, we have these other payers and caregivers may work for all different types of clients having those you know being able to manage multiple payers in one place.

00:21:16.220 –> 00:21:31.089
Beau Daggett: Like access care just keeps your operations smooth while still on the back end market his team, make sure all that data goes where it needs to go. And then, lastly, customer experience support being able to to reach someone

00:21:31.330 –> 00:21:49.110
Beau Daggett: again. A lot of that just comes down to again our our model of serving the agency as our as our main priority. And so you’ll see that. A lot of your, you know, cohorts of other agencies reach out to access care simply just because they want to be able to get someone on the phone.

00:21:49.240 –> 00:21:58.479
Beau Daggett: you know. And so that’s a big advantage of sometimes going with a third party vendor there, if you’re getting additional support in the Evb. Journey.

00:21:58.740 –> 00:22:11.509
Beau Daggett: And so what I’ll do from here is Mark. I have a few questions that are coming in, that I may go ahead and kind of ask you if that’s okay to start with with a QA, yeah.

00:22:12.410 –> 00:22:42.049
Beau Daggett: So that is one of the the questions of you know. So what happens if for some reason that you’re not able to gather the data at the point of care, you know, like, maybe a caregiver didn’t clock in, or you know, there’s phone died that off good service. Right? There’s there’s lots of different scenarios that we have to manage no systems. 110 caregiver proof. So just kind of wanna hear from you. What are agencies doing in in circumstances where maybe data was missed at the point of care.

00:22:42.470 –> 00:22:44.000
Mark Decker: Yeah, and certainly

00:22:44.100 –> 00:23:01.210
Mark Decker: certainly that’s gonna happen. Especially when you’re just getting started with with a solution. There’ll be more instances of of not whether the caregiver just forgets to clock in or clock out, or they have a technical issue where they where they can’t capture the information

00:23:01.430 –> 00:23:30.089
Mark Decker: simply all you need to do from from an agency perspective, when that happens is on the visit you do have the ability to go in manually enter your clock in or clock out whichever was messed, or both, and specify a reason for why that happened, and the action that you took to to solve it. So they just forgot you basically say, the caregiver forgot. And then for an action, you indicate that you did follow up with the

00:23:30.240 –> 00:23:35.039
Mark Decker: with the client, and got confirmation that they were there when they said they were there.

00:23:35.150 –> 00:23:44.690
Mark Decker: So and then that information that manual entered information is then packaged up and sent as the Vv data for that visit.

00:23:44.710 –> 00:24:10.059
Mark Decker: So what’s gonna happen over time is they want the percentage of instances that that’s occurring kind of go down over time. So so certainly from from working with other States that have gone through this at the beginning, there’s there’s just reporting on how you’re doing as far as percentage of visits that had Evb information collected.

00:24:10.060 –> 00:24:20.439
Mark Decker: And then it moves into more feedback from the from the pay, or indicating hey? You need to get better if you will.

00:24:20.440 –> 00:24:40.860
Mark Decker: So so that’s the that’s the journey that you’re that you’re going to be on. But at the end of the day all those any solution, including act scared, should make it easy just to capture quickly. That occurred. What was the reason, and what and what did you do about it to you pack, and then we’ll package up and send that information to the aggregator.

00:24:41.780 –> 00:25:06.759
Beau Daggett: Yeah, so, and I had an agency that was referred to as meeting with recently, just about the idea of even helping prevent the negative behavior, right? So even something like automation with alerts that can also solve a lot of the problems just reminding caregivers. Hey? Your visits started. You need to be collecting in now. You know I’ve had. I’ve heard of agencies even hiring someone that just strictly calls caregivers reminding.

00:25:06.760 –> 00:25:22.259
Beau Daggett: And then the clock into the Ev system, and so this could sometimes save you a lot of headaches just with some automation in place, and a lot of those third party vendors, especially access care has some of that designed to help alleviate and keep your staff accountable.

00:25:22.530 –> 00:25:29.360
Beau Daggett: And another thing, too, in in kind of building into that

00:25:29.400 –> 00:25:52.809
Beau Daggett: you know. An agency might say, Well, hey! Why would I not use this one at the State has, and you know what? How do I get that data from access care to the aggregator and who has control over that? So Mark, you, might just kind of sharing some of maybe what we’ve seen, as far as some benefits of being able to control when that Evd data is actually sent to the State as opposed to not having control over that.

00:25:53.150 –> 00:25:57.270
Mark Decker: Yeah, certainly. Certainly. The ability to to

00:25:57.650 –> 00:26:25.439
Mark Decker: have a review point and check what data is being sent over has been invaluable for for other access care customers, just because, especially early on, they might clock into the wrong visit, or clock out after way later than they actually left. So the ability to quickly review that information, correct it? Especially as as caregivers are getting used to the new technology

00:26:25.440 –> 00:26:40.429
Mark Decker: has been invaluable, and really has been a requirement for for most organizations, so that they can control to some extent what the what the data is going over to to the aggregator helps

00:26:40.810 –> 00:26:49.540
Mark Decker: cut down on errors because since you’re able to do that, the data will be accepted immediately by Hj. Exchange. So you won’t kinda

00:26:50.060 –> 00:27:00.000
Mark Decker: artificially inflate your error rates and you can make sure that the data that’s going over is a representation of what actually occurred.

00:27:00.920 –> 00:27:23.940
Beau Daggett: Right? Yeah. So it’s being able to. Yeah, like, we talked about just control process of what these caregivers are entering and can save a lot of time. We saw the few questions coming in. And this is in in relation to that, as far as helping with automation and helping gather data. There’s an agency asking, Is there an offline mode? And is that compliant

00:27:23.940 –> 00:27:36.559
Beau Daggett: so like, let’s say, they don’t have great coverage in an area? How do they gather the data? Or someone like access care? I guess you can speak for access care. Mark, how does access care? Gather that data. If there’s not good service.

00:27:36.560 –> 00:27:42.919
Mark Decker: Yeah, we do have a we do have an offline mode where we’ll go ahead and capture the the GPS coordinates

00:27:43.380 –> 00:27:47.910
Mark Decker: on both clock in and clock out if you didn’t have an Internet connection

00:27:47.920 –> 00:28:03.850
Mark Decker: and then just as they move back into an area that that has Internet connectivity, that that captured offline. They’ll be set up. And then from there on out. It’s the regular process. So so we do, we do support an offline mode where you can capture that information.

00:28:04.720 –> 00:28:05.750

00:28:05.850 –> 00:28:16.389
Beau Daggett: Another question that’s come up is just, tools around authorization management? And I’ll kind of. Speak to that. There, there’s what we’ve seen is that

00:28:16.450 –> 00:28:32.640
Beau Daggett: you know, a lot of systems have data. But if it’s not accessible or easy to find, have access to then it’s not really helpful. So a lot of times a scheduler is the one that’s managing both, you know, call offs call ends or changing of shifts and visits. And so.

00:28:32.640 –> 00:28:57.099
Beau Daggett: in access care, you’re able to from the main calendar. See how many hours of service within an authorization of client has remaining in that period and be able to make adjustments to the schedule right there without having to to click around and go. Make sure, hey? Can we make? Or just this visit? And on the flip side of that, from an administrative standpoint management standpoint, you can at any point in time run reports to make sure

00:28:57.100 –> 00:29:24.339
Beau Daggett: you’re maximizing the authorizations. And what that translates to is you’re maximizing the amount of care your clients can receive, and the amount of revenue that’s been budgeted for you to receive as well. So authorization management. And we could do a demo and kind of dive into that. But again going back to we. Our goal is to be the best Medicaid vendor and supporting both the aggregators and the agencies, and so making sure we have tools in place.

00:29:24.640 –> 00:29:45.439
Mark Decker: one other exciting thing on the authorization side, and in Mississippi’s case we are able actually import the authorizations from the from the aggregator, so you won’t. You won’t have to worry about any sort of error getting the data into access care. We can reach out and get it directly from the aggregator and get those authorizations created for you.

00:29:46.950 –> 00:30:06.560
Beau Daggett: Yeah. And it puts the and I’m not also as familiar, mark as you with some of those aggregators and different systems. But it’s nice that the scheduler, the admin, the the internal team, sets that schedule and sets the services so it takes the pressure off the caregiver, making sure they’re entering in the right service code or selecting the right service.

00:30:06.560 –> 00:30:32.239
Beau Daggett: You make it easy for the caregiver. They just need to know. Hey, I’m taking care of Mark today. We’re getting a range of motion exercise and meal prep. And they just can punch in. They don’t have to know if they’re doing, you know, and and all the other things. That’s not why the caregiver is there. They just want to love on somebody. So lots of tools can help alleviate those errors just simply by not giving them the option. Right? So

00:30:32.810 –> 00:30:42.790
Beau Daggett: let’s see, we may have a leave space for a few more coming in here. Mark, what have you found just in? You know, as you’ve served, you know

00:30:43.330 –> 00:30:51.649
Beau Daggett: many different states. As far as kind of how to prioritize. Maybe. When would it make sense to?

00:30:51.670 –> 00:31:09.039
Beau Daggett: You know? Look at some a third party vendor beyond just kind of what I’ve shared. But just in general. You know, when would it make sense for an agency? Is it size, is it? Is it? Like? What are some of those pain points where you’ve seen, hey? It makes sense for me to consider a third party vendor.

00:31:09.370 –> 00:31:20.050
Mark Decker: Yeah, certainly. Certainly. The big difference between the the the complementary solution that’s that’s offered by the State. And then the enterprise solution such that scare others.

00:31:20.110 –> 00:31:25.830
Mark Decker: Is just the the breadth of functionality. So so certainly the complementary.

00:31:25.940 –> 00:31:42.569
Mark Decker: the complimentary system will will basically collect the Vv data and get it into the State irrigator. So that’s that’s kind of the minimum. But the reporting isn’t there the the powerful scheduling, isn’t there the oversight, isn’t there? The alerts, aren’t there? There’s

00:31:42.620 –> 00:31:44.710
Mark Decker: there’s all of these

00:31:44.960 –> 00:31:52.550
Mark Decker: pieces of functionality that just streamline the entire flow that just makes a lot of sense to to folks to

00:31:52.590 –> 00:31:57.379
Mark Decker: to go ahead and and spend the spend a bit of money to get a solution into.

00:31:57.400 –> 00:32:04.420
Mark Decker: to streamline the entire process just because the return on investment is is just easy to see

00:32:04.660 –> 00:32:25.550
Beau Daggett: right? And so if that’s the case. Well, hey, here we are in Mississippi, right? And we’ve already had this kind of go live. And so what would you recommend? Is it too late for us to be looking at third party vendors, or is the time now? What would you recommend to our attendees here, as far as what would be kind of practical next steps, as far as you know, reaching out.

00:32:25.810 –> 00:32:30.359
Mark Decker: Yeah, certainly. Certainly. If you’re in the in the situation where you haven’t

00:32:30.680 –> 00:33:00.050
Mark Decker: selected an option. Yet. You are perfect for for getting a quick view into into these third party solutions, so you can make make the solution, whether make the selection whether you’re gonna go with a complimentary or an ebb solution and really see all the benefits that the third party Vb solution, such as gear can can get you. So so hey, that time! And if you’ve made decision to go with a complimentary and are already going that down that path.

00:33:00.140 –> 00:33:10.240
Mark Decker: It might be great to get to the point that you’re actually collecting and submitting the the data. Understand what that system can and can’t do. And and just start to look from

00:33:10.280 –> 00:33:15.650
Mark Decker: comparison perspective on. Okay, what if we were using a third party Evvv vendor

00:33:15.770 –> 00:33:21.780
Mark Decker: or a third party UV solution or third party enterprise solution is what they really are. What are all the benefits to that?

00:33:21.800 –> 00:33:31.850
Mark Decker: In addition to having us be compliant to ev data capture and really understand what all those streamlining opportunities are, and what what

00:33:32.020 –> 00:33:37.859
Mark Decker: what that would mean to your organization as far as overall cost. If you will.

00:33:38.730 –> 00:34:06.640
Beau Daggett: right? Right? So it’s it’s never too late to streamline. So you know, definitely want to create space, feel free to to to reach out. And just as we kind of conclude here. There are a couple of questions that are coming in. But we’ll we’ll be able to also follow up with the attendees individually. So we are able to save these questions. Thank you for sending those in. And then, yeah, just in conclusion, here,

00:34:06.640 –> 00:34:12.430
Beau Daggett: Mark, what would is there any kind of final words that you would like to say here before we we sign off?

00:34:12.679 –> 00:34:14.979
Mark Decker: No, just appreciate the time.

00:34:14.989 –> 00:34:21.799
Mark Decker: Certainly. In enjoyed the opportunity to talk about Mississippi specifically, and and

00:34:22.130 –> 00:34:34.240
Mark Decker: hope hope hope everybody has a great experience in our compliant and getting that AV data in. And this all goes smoothly for them, and if not, we’d love to have the opportunity to talk to you about how we could help.

00:34:34.630 –> 00:34:53.389
Beau Daggett: Yeah, perfect. Well, Mark, if you could head to that last slide, I’ll kind of also add my my summary here, and to summarize everything. You’re not alone. Right? So this could be very daunting. Setting up. Pv, making sure you’re getting paid. You’re not alone. A other agencies are reaching out for help and solutions

00:34:53.389 –> 00:35:09.859
Beau Daggett: and access care would be a great fit for that piece. As far as you know, we serve a lot of agencies. We act as almost consulting and helping you get everything set in place so that you can make sure your caregivers are taking care of. Your clients are taken care of, and that you’re compliant and getting paid.

00:35:09.910 –> 00:35:32.909
Beau Daggett: So thank you all for taking time out of out of your day to to learn a little bit more about what’s happening in your State in regards to Ebbv, and why a third party vendor may be a great solution for you, and then, of course, I’m a little biased, and why you you should probably reach out to access, care for some more information. But thank you all for your time today, Mark. Thank you so much, and I’ll have a great rest of the day

00:35:33.540 –> 00:35:34.530
Mark Decker: expelled.


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