Tip Sheet: Choosing the Best Home Care Software

Getting ready to choose the best home health care software for your needs? You’re sure to find many different platforms along the way, each offering something different from the next. Sifting through a sea of options can quickly become overwhelming, and it can be difficult to discern crucial features from unnecessary extras.

We’ve created this tip sheet to walk you through the process and help you ask the right questions. Follow along, and you’ll end up with a home care software that fits your agency like a glove.

1. Dig Deep Into Your Agency’s Needs

Treat this first step as an exercise in discovery. You might think you know what your agency needs, but writing things down and brainstorming with your colleagues will likely reveal points and concerns you may have yet to consider off the cuff. Taking some dedicated time to finalize these thoughts is key.

Identify specific operational and functional gaps – like operational workflows, billing processes, or documentation standards you aim to bridge with home care software. Down the line, you can bring those bullet points to product demos to ensure you’re staying on track with your agency’s goals.

2. Consider the Now, but Look to the Future

As an agency, where you are today isn’t necessarily where you’ll be in a year from now. Or five years from now. Or ten! Any new software you onboard should be scalable, with an eye towards accommodating future growth.

Some platforms are geared towards serving small-scale agencies, while others specialize in enterprise solutions. But many fall somewhere in the middle, with the flexibility to accommodate a growing client base and caregiver team.

3. Look For Comprehensive Documentation Tools

Consistent, high-quality, and personalized patient care hinges on proper documentation. It informs every home visit and keeps dispersed healthcare practitioners on the same page. Your chosen software should make creating and accessing comprehensive documentation easy while ensuring everything is above board and error-free.

This will be critical for maintaining regulatory compliance, enhancing care coordination, and maintaining a complete and accurate client record. Look for features like electronic health record (EHR) integration, care plan documentation, assessment tools, and reporting capabilities.

4. Set the Stage for Success With Training

Training employees on new software requires more than a single introductory workshop. As they learn through doing, they’ll need a robust library of tools and materials to address challenges the moment they come up. Think help desk support, dedicated customer success resources, and user forums.

The availability of training resources and continuous support will ultimately dictate your rollout’s success and the software’s long-term staying power. If employees can’t figure out how to overcome user obstacles, they’ll revert to the old way of doing things.

5. Prioritize Airtight Compliance

The healthcare industry is governed by rigid compliance and data security rules, from HIPAA to audit trails. These mechanisms protect sensitive information, maintain trust with patients, and mitigate the risk of legal and financial penalties.

Your chosen software should adhere to industry-best security standards and regulatory requirements to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with privacy laws. This includes data encryption, access controls, audit trails, compliance certifications, and regular security assessments.

6. Make Sure It Clicks With Other Platforms

Home care software won’t be the first digital platform you use and will likely not be the last. That’s why compatibility and interoperability are so important. Look for software that seamlessly integrates with other tools in your arsenal, such as electronic health records (EHRs) or accounting software.

All of your systems should be able to work together, sharing data and reducing friction instead of creating more work for your staff. During a demo, we recommend asking how the software can be customized to accommodate your existing systems.

7. Research the Vendor’s Reputation

Every company is going to paint its software in a great light, but external reviews are the honest tell-all. Take some time to research real feedback from real people so you can be sure you’re choosing the right system for a long-term partnership.

Information like customer testimonials and case studies can be found on the vendor’s website, and detailed vetted user reviews can be found on third-party websites like G2 and Capterra. Together, these assets should paint a picture of a reliable, proactive, and customer-centric vendor.

8. Choose a Platform People Will Want to Use

Your home care software should feature an intuitive interface that caregivers and staff can easily navigate. User-friendly features like customization options, in-depth training, and uncluttered design will all help foster adoption in the short- and long-term.

You should also look for features that promote client and caregiver engagement, like mobile apps, care plan sharing, and real-time reporting dashboards. These tools will be key drivers of collaboration, transparency, and accountability in care delivery, leading to improved outcomes and client satisfaction.

9. Automate Administrative Work

One of the key benefits of using home care software is taking admin work off employees’ plates. Your chosen platform should have a robust feature suite that reduces manual effort and input while providing insights into operational efficiency and compliance.

Look for features that streamline billing processes, send automatic reminders to patients, optimize routing and bookings, and reduce the overall likelihood of human error.

10. Tally Up the Cost

The last box to check is budget-friendliness. When considering a monthly subscription, consider not only the total cost of ownership but also the potential return on investment from time saved and the scalability of the chosen platform. In the long run, as your efficiency and accuracy ramp up, the best home care software will also improve client retention.

Start by adding up license fees, implementation costs, training expenses, and ongoing support fees, then wash all of that against the potential cost savings from the time you’ve won back or improved outcomes.


Onboarding home care software is typically a turning point for agencies. It’s the gateway to increased productivity, a lighter caregiver administrative burden, and more streamlined operations overall. With every task or responsibility you automate using a digital platform, you’ll free up time for caregivers who already have so much on their plates.

Keep this guide close throughout your research and vetting journey to stay on track and set your sights on what matters most.

Book a Demo With AxisCare

AxisCare is routinely ranked as the top all-in-one software for home care agencies. From small organizations to enterprise-grade clients, discover how we can tailor our solutions to your unique needs by booking a demo.

References and Resources:

Cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Onboarding Journey step by step processes

Don’t settle for average software onboarding. Experience the AxisCare difference.

cartoon illustration of AxisCare's Medicaid Billing Process with step by step processes