axiscare home care software

EVV Training

In the context of home care, EVV training is a vital part of implementing and using Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) systems. These systems are mandated by law for all Medicaid-funded personal care and home health services that require an in-home visit by a provider. The EVV system electronically captures and verifies key information about the care services provided.

Who Provides the Training and What Does it Cover?

The training, typically led by the EVV system provider or operator, covers various aspects of the system. This includes how to log in and out of the system, how to adjust data elements for an EVV visit transaction, and how to navigate other features of the system.

Why is EVV Training Important?

The main goal of EVV training is to ensure all users, from caregivers to administrative staff, can effectively use the system. This is crucial for meeting Medicaid regulations and for ensuring the efficient and accurate delivery of home care services.

Is EVV Training a One-Time Event?

It’s important to note that EVV training is not a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process that adjusts to system updates, changes in regulations, and the onboarding of new staff members. This continuous learning helps maintain the quality and compliance of home care services.

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